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About DweebyArtist

  • Birthday 08/31/1999

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    *Yet to edit later?*

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  1. Thanks again for all of the help!
  2. I see... I'll keep this in mind thanks! (I'll still take the ditto, why not)
  3. I know :o, I forgot how far into the game it is to get one. And idk if you get one after you reach the breeders or before. My username is the same as this one, what's yours? I'll be on rn!~ (Again sorry for all these requests today lol)
  4. I don't care for stats or if it's shiny, I'm just trying to receive one. Anyone have a spare? (I want to start breeding, idk it sounded time consuming at first but not I'm quite interested).
  5. @Avria Alright, sorry or the trouble. Do you have any normal ditto to spare in that case? I want to try breeding shinies once I get the chance. :>
  6. @Avria Hello, sorry for bugging you again :o. I just wanted to ask since I think I'm going to hunt for some shiny noibats, if I bring like three or so, would you be willing to trade three shiny pokemon for them? (I dont care much for ivs, I just want to build a team of shinies really). Does this sound applicable?
  7. Sorry for the edit! I'm not interested in the deal anymore. ,:V
  8. Nah you're not wasting my time. I'm asking because I have some legendaries and a few other starters, have any of these?
  9. Ah I see, ok then before I make an offer, do you want shiny 6iv pokemon even if you already have them? (Sorry for all of these questions ,:v)
  10. Wait, be specific- do you have the one's in the pic? Or do you mean that you have all of the pokemon I requested with 6Ivs?
  11. hmm....I may be interested in the marill. Here's what I have (the legendaries that are shiny are at the bottom of the box)
  12. All of the pokemon I have are shiny and high Ivs (I send a pic of what I have rn). Are the ones you have shiny? And do they have relatively high ivs?
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