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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Atticus

  1. ~*UPDATE*~ So, I decided to fix some old shinies that I made, some outline stuff and color problems. Also, made the evolutions/babies that were missing If you like the first versions better, no problem, you can keep them :^) Igglybuff > Jigglypuff > Wigglytuff (Outline problems and a few miscolored pixels) Happiny > Chansey > Blissey (Made Happiny, fixed outline stuff and hue on some body parts) Lickitung > Lickilicky (Fixed outline, saturation and made Lickilicky) Mime Jr. > Mr. Mime (Outline, made Mime Jr.) Gligar > Gliscor (finished Gliscor) Mmm, I hope I didn't miss anything --
  2. insert mexican meme here got plenty of time today so i did it all at once ;^) (hombre) (mujer)
  3. I don't mind not receiving credit for Gardevoir at all, so this is fine for me. Also, finally started to work on Lotad line :^)
  4. Ok, so a little update on Ludicolo: Been really busy lately, classes started and other stuff. I didn't even start spriting - laugh - But it SHOULD probaly be done by this week already.
  5. I don't think so. The shinies are part of the Graphic Updates I think? So it's only a fraction of a fraction of the entire V9 Development. Besides the V9 content, Jan is planning to add Gen 7 too, so everything needs to be rebalanced and teams need to be rethought. And Jan is always remaking some things here and there that he isn't liking, like Amaria for example. Also he likes to make us suffer, so yeah, we have a long way to go.
  6. remember when i said i was going to fix budew/roserade on gen 4? yeah, i lie sometimes ame's favorite pokémon: (male) (female)
  7. it's yoga family claiming lotad line
  8. Maybe you two could try to fuse both Altarias! I think Korv's (cute nickname because we're very close) clouds are prettier, and this sprinkles idea is super cool About the rainbow tail: I think it would only fit well if the sprinkles were also rainbow colored, if they aren't, maybe you could try making a gradient with the colors you chose for the sprinkles
  9. I really like this one! It's different and still fits Altaria And who doesn't like Cotton Candy, amirite? But I think it would look better if this grayish-brown color was white or a light yellow;;; Just my opinion tho About Cacturne, this shade of green is one of my favorites tbh But the spikes/hat aren't highlighting from the body. Maybe you could try to lighten the body, so the spikes/hat can be a bit darker than the rest. I think the green on the eye is super saturated for the rest of the body, maybe try a less saturated green? Also the eyes have 2 gray dots, I think they aren't supposed to be there. Oh, and some of the outline is lighter than the body, take care with that. And I really like this Duskull/Dusclops! I'm not Jan, but I decided to give a little of my opinion on some sprites here to help out a little :^)
  10. OK I AM DUMB i finished editting roserade's line sprites (which are 10, since roselia and roserade have gender differences), then i checked rejuvenation's graphics folder and i realized... I EDITTED THE WRONG SPRITES I WAS SUPPOSED TO EDIT THESE: NOT THESE: anyway, roselia's sprites are all right, which is all that matters for now. (male) (female) i'll fix roserade and budew on gen 4 roserade:



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  12. i just wanted to share this version of roserade that probably won't make it because there's a few issues with it, like outline stuff and etc. also i think i can do better but if jan likes this one, i have no problem yes it is based on rosemon
  13. yes actually i thought no one would notice
  14. we could put some neon and opposite colors there (or maybe using warm colors on latios and cool colors on latias) i like bluedodobob's idea of this aura thingy, it fits lati@s about the mega, we could fill the eyes with just one color and use different shades to highlight other sessions, like the wings not sure what to do with the white part, tho it's really hard to find a color that fits white.
  15. ok so i have new ideas for glalie and i discovered i didn't try this color combination before and i think it looks good and fits as the opposite of froslass actually i want you to decide wich one you like more (no blue scars) (also leaving ralts line because uh i kinda don't like my ideas you should use hycrox's instead :^)))) his gardevoir edit: may i claim meditite/medicham instead?
  16. it's snorunt and froslass with elsa powers glalie might take a while because i have literally no idea for it tried diverse color combinations but nothing that i liked if anyone has any suggestions pls tell me asap
  17. Oh, sorry. I totally skipped through this question I don't use Graphicsgale, but there must be some way to do it. I think this might help you: https://graphicsgale.com/us/faq.html
  18. Yeah, you have some size problems there Usually, RPGMXP Pokémon Fangames use a 160x160 sprites, wich turn each pixel into 2x2 (four pixels form 1, basically). So you just have to turn it into a 80x80, and when finished, turn It back into 160x160. I do this by using zoom and PrtSc (there's definitely better ways to do this tho).
  19. steals ralts and snorunt edit: i actually really like hycrox's gardevoir so im going to get roselia instead edit of the edit: forget roselia i'll keep ralts see if i can do something different
  21. done i had the front sprites done like before i even started to post here palette switch! edit: @HYCROX and i had basically the same idea oh well (also i actually see improvement in your work gj gj)
  22. If it's the same sprite as Reborn, it's this one:
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