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Conor last won the day on February 27 2013

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About Conor

  • Birthday 09/03/1995

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    Conor, [TTD]Conor
  • Gender
  • Location
    Strongsville, Ohio, America

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  1. i completely forgot about this place

    1. Neo
    2. Maelstrom


      How the hell did you manage that?!

  2. I'm gonna start acting like already have something to do every night, because people only seem to hit me up when I'm busy, never when I'm free

  3. I would be completely okay with it, if Usopp was never on One Piece

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Conor


      @mael, now tat you mention it, chopper kind of pisses me off too.

    3. Kaito


      Water 7.

      S'all I gotta say.

    4. Thirdbird


      Usopp is the funniest guy in the whole series. You cannot refute that.

  4. one week left before finals? time to start handing in all my missing work..

    1. Ikaru
    2. Maelstrom


      and you have teachers/professors that'll let you?

  5. grilled cheese. that is all

  6. I hate being by myself, because that means I'm alone with the person I dislike the most

  7. I wish metal coat worked on any pokemon, so all pokemon has a badass scizor like steel evolution

  8. [b]Trainer's Name(s):[/b] Conor [b]Ever "caught 'em all":[/b] nope [b]Games Played:[/b] Red, Yellow, Gold, Crystal,  Ruby, Fire Red, half of Pearl, Heart gold,  and endless amounts of hacks. [b]Spin-off games played:[/b] Colosseum, XD Gale of Darkness, explorers of time. [b]Any TCG decks:[/b] nope [b]Favorite Generation for Pokémon:[/b] 4 [b]Favorite Generation for Games:[/b] 2 [b]Favorite Game:[/b] Poekmon Crystal [b]Favorite Spin-off game:[/b] Colosseum  [b]Pokémon that needs to exist:[/b] Dark Lugia [b]Pokémon that needs to not exist:[/b] 2/3's of the legendaries past r/s/e [b]Dream PokéJob (breeder, elite four, etc):[/b] Gym Leader [b]Currently Playing:[/b] Fire Red [b]Favourite Pokémon:[/b] Volcarona [b]Favourite Starter: [/b] Charmander [b]If you could have anything for a starter: [/b] Zapdos [b]Favourite Pokémon Song: [/b] Poke rap [b]Favourite Kanto Leader/E4:[/b] Bruno [b]Favourite Johto Leader/E4: [/b] Bugsy [b]Favourite Hoenn Leader/E4: [/b] Brolly [b]Favourite Sinnoh Leader/E4:[/b] the 8th one, electric, can't remember his name [b]Favourite Leader/E4 overall:[/b] Lance [b]Thoughts/performance on (Super)Contests/Pokéthon:[/b] lol no [b]Favourite Pokémon Movie:[/b] 2000 [b]Favourite Animé Episode:[/b] Season 1 when Ash fights Blaine. [b]Favourite Type:[/b] Fire [b]Favourite Strategies:[/b] heavy/moderate offense  [b]Favourite Characters:[/b] the Og's Ash, Brock, Misty, Oak, Gary.
  9. I changed my scizor set, even though this is dead, I thought I might as well post the new one. Scizor (F) @ Choice Scarf Trait: Swarm EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk) - Iron Head - Superpower - Aerial Ace - U-turn oh, and I took heroics suggestions for Xatu, except I kept night shade over psychic/future sight
  10. I've never had this many things go wrong in my life. I could really use someone to talk to, but that's the worst part.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Conor


      if you were online I would haha

    3. Maelstrom


      But I'm totally online... You just don't know my new favorite alt, do you?

    4. Conor
  11. <<<<<< listen while rating! At A Glance Introduction Hi everybody! I've been a lot less frequent on the server lately and this absence has prevented me from posting any new RMTs in a while. So, I'm here with my latest team hoping to get some feedback from you all. This team fits my playstyle very well, as it is almost completely offensive, with some of my heavy hitters acting as walls with resistances as well. The name of this RMT was originally to make reference to the 3 therian form birds, but I ended up dropping Thundurus for Xatu, still leaving 3 birds. Please feel free to rate the team, as well as provide any suggestions that you think would help the team out. Well, Let's get started! Team In Depth Landorus (Landorus-T) (M) @ Choice Scarf Trait: Intimidate EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SAtk / 252 Spd Naive Nature (+Spd, -SDef) - U-turn - Stone Edge - Earthquake - Hidden Power [ice] Landorus T is my very reliable lead. His job first turn is quite simple, U-turn out for scouting. He does his job very well thanks to his choice scarf and monster attack stat. Landorus servers as a physical power house on this team mid and late game too. Mid game Landorus does a great job of checking physical powerhouses such as Dragonite, Gyarados, other Landorus etc. with Intimidate. Earthquake Is his main attacking move late game, and Stone edge is to cover flying types that can avoid my earthquake. hidden power Ice is to stop other Landorus as well as gliscor. It doesn't really have enough power to handle those threats in one hit, but If i can bounce back some rocks with xatu, It does more than enough damage. Politoed (F) @ Leftovers Trait: Drizzle EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk) - Scald - Perish Song - Protect - Toxic Politoed here is my weather inducer for the team. Rain isn't all that vital for this team to function, but It definitely helps the team do much better. Politoed also puts a much needed bulky pokemon in the mix. Toxic and Protect are their for toxic stalling. Protect also has a dual function in scouting. Perish Song is to stop set ups. I like the combo of Toxic and Perish song a lot. I like to toxic an opposing set up pokemon, then use perish song, so that they're taking the damage from Toxic, while still having to switch out in 3 turns. protect also helps me stall out that time for perish song. Xatu (M) @ Leftovers Trait: Magic Bounce EVs: 252 HP / 240 SDef / 16 Spd Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk) - U-turn - Thunder Wave - Roost - Night Shade Xatu is my hazard stopper. with Magic bounce he can reflect back hazards and statuses. This helps a lot since most of my team is fragile, and therefore can't afford to be taking hazard damage. his move set is pretty standard. U turn is a common theme on this team to keep the momentum going. Thunder wave to cripple set ups. Roost is for recovery and Night shade to do damage when needed. Ludicolo (M) @ Life Orb Trait: Swift Swim EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 Spd Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk) - Hydro Pump - Surf - Ice Beam - Giga Drain Ludicolo is my late game, swift swim sweeper. Ludicolo has a monster 524 speed with swift Swim, giving him enough speed to out speed any choice threat. I chose to use Surf and Hydro Pump for a couple reasons. first off, Surf has good accuracy, but sometimes doesn't have enough power needed to handle all threats. Hydro Pump has enough power to handle big defensive threats, but not enough accuracy to hit all the time. I thought I would go with the best of both worlds and have them both on the move set. I just had to take out focus blast but that's not big deal since it was only their for ferrothorn and was only a 3HKO on a sp def variant Giga drain is for recovery from life orb damage and can hit those pesky ground/water walls like Gastro and swampert. Ice beam hits dragonz, and dragonz are annoying. Life orb is for a little boost of power since I decided to run Timid over Modest nature, which allows me to out speed choiced genesect. Scizor (F) @ Leftovers Trait: Technician EVs: 80 HP / 252 Atk / 176 Spd Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk) - Bullet Punch - Superpower - Swords Dance - U-turn Scizor brings some much needed priority to the team. after a sowords dance his bullet punch is extremely op and can take out many threats late game after hazard damage (assuming that I can bounce some back with xatu.) Superpower is there for filler purposes. I don't know If i should be running pursuit over it or not, but Superpower does help against opposing Scizor. U turn is to keep the momentum going with the rest of the team. Tornadus (Tornadus-T) (M) @ Choice Specs Trait: Regenerator EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd Naive Nature (+Spd, -SDef) - Hurricane - Hidden Power [Grass] - Sleep Talk - U-turn Tornadus is the revenge killer of the team. His Hurricane can come in on 90% of threats in the game, barring maybe ferrothorn and Jirachi. U turn is again to keep momentum if needed. HP grass is to handle threats like gastradon again. Sleep talk is to absorb a spore coming from a breloom in case Xatu goes down. Regenerator makes him the perfect switch in pokemon, because He'll get back his hp right as soon as you call him back.
  12. Hey Heroic, Great team! I do see a couple of things I would do different personally and I'll list them below. First, If you're not running the Therian form of Tornadus (which I think you should be running) I would not recommend using a specs set. if you were to run a life orb set, you could take advantage of Tornadus' ability Prankster with Rain Dance. This will help you keep your weather in the game even if Politoed goes down, and you still have a reliable amount of damage to deal. Second, I know what you're trying to do by using Kabutops, but he is completely outclassed by so many other swift swimmers. Kingdra Is just the better option in this case for a number of reasons. firstly, Kabutops can do nothing for you outside of rain. Kingdra can still set up with dragon dance and substitute. Secondly, even In rain Kingdra is the premiere pokemon to use. It's stab outrage and waterfall are extremely powerful. much more powerful than Kabutops stone edge/ waterfall combo, and has a wider range of coverage. Overall I really do like the team. I'd give it a 9.9999999/10. good job on achieving your rank on the Ladder, and since I haven't faced this team on the ladder yet, I hope to ave the opportunity to go against it soon!
  13. Big Macs <3

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