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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by boodaliboo

  1. pansear is a terrible pokemon so i wondertraded it away
  2. nope thats not it i can fake out the illumise but i need to set the gym on fire but my numel gets bubble beamed by her other pokemon in play so i need a quick claw or something like that for numel
  3. does anyone have a quci claw i need one to defeat the lapis gym
  4. my user is boodaliboo Pokemon Requested: goomy Gender (Optional): any Egg Moves (Optional): iron tail IVs (Optional): speed and special attack you can pick anything else Nature (Optional, free): adamant Pokerus (Optional, free): yes Ability gooey Other (Optional): if possible can you train it to lv 30 if not its fine
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