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Everything posted by Waynolt

  1. There are faster and more effective ways to make money if you're going to cheat anyway XD
  2. You can get 10 for 3000, and they will last you a pretty long time (especially if you rotate the team's leader or use the Exp Share mod). Anyway, I've added it to the v31 of the mod pack - please note that it requires the component ExpShareFullTeam to be present too.
  3. If that's the "no exp over the current level cap" part of PR Mod Menu then it could be updated with this format (although without an edit it would likely conflict with ExpShareFullTeam)... but why? I mean, common candies are pretty cheap and readily available...
  4. Fixed and uploaded as v27 of the EggPicking component
  5. @Slippery That is the intended function of the "UnrealTime" mod component: it detaches game time from pc time. To deactivate, simply delete the file UnrealTime.rb from the Mods folder.
  6. That's a quite complex problem. You see, as Aironfaar pointed out the system in this mod could be used to mix-and-match your choice of mods, but that would only happen if other modders adopted it too. As it is currently, adding the line Dir["./Data/Mods/*.rb"].each {|file| load File.expand_path(file) } to the Scripts.rxdata file included in another mod will allow it to load the components from mine; this would make it possible to mix the two to an extent, though incompatibility issues are still possible and hard to predict.
  7. Do you have a counter for Ice types too? (e.g. an adamant Mamoswine with icicle plate and ice shard should be able to ohko that Garchomp)
  8. That's very strange... can you please try copying only the modded Scripts.rxdata (without the Mods folder) and check if items can be used in battle? (An easy way to check is to enter battle, change mon so that the enemy gets a free turn, then trying to use a potion to heal that free damage) If it works, please try creating the Mods folder inside Data and copying over only the file(s) that you want to use.
  9. I would advise against enabling debug mode if you don't know what you're doing, because you could end up corrupting both your savegame and your game installation.
  10. Mmm... did you delete ItemsBan when you still had its functionality or simply moved/renamed it? You see, the mod files are the ones with the alterations, so without them the mod ceases to exist; the script file loads everything in the Mods folder, even renamed files, thus you have to move the components out of the game folder if you do not want them.
  11. It is possible that Amaria has major depression (with episodes of psychotic depression), in which case she needs help. Titania's presence might help by being her anchor, but she also needs medication to uphold the chemical balance of her brain. Sigmund might be able to help, both because he is an actual psychiatrist and because this illness is one of the few where the electroconvulsive therapy he's so fond of might actually be helpful. About her battle: she is very strong on her field but also very weak to field variations. Freezing the field helps, and poisoning it makes the battle much easier (to the point that her team almost suicides by diving).
  12. It is possible by glitching or cheating; rock climb is not available in E17, but will probably be in E18.
  13. I tend to always include Drapion in my teams, but I also like Flygon and Toxapex.
  14. That problem should never happen; it didn't happen with an half empty party when I added it to the mod, and it doesn't happen on my end now. If that doesn't bother you that's fine, but please at least make a backup copy of your savegame, just in case that error is an early sign of savegame corruption.
  15. If you do not want UnrealTime, just delete its file from the Mods folder. (The one that lets you change the weather manually is SetWeather)
  16. It's the UnrealTime component: it separates the game time from the real time, so that you can have morning events even if you mostly play in the evening. But since this means that time doesn't advance anymore while the game is not running, it also has a timescale of 1:30, which means that the weather will change every 16 minutes of real time instead of every 8 hours.
  17. It means that one of your mons is "Nil" (aka doesn't exist). I could add a check to prevent the error, but that might hide a deeper problem... please send me your savegame.
  18. De gustibus... I've added an items ban mod; please note though that I'm not going to use it, so if it has bugs then I won't know about them unless told.
  19. Why? Using items helps the player much more than it helps the enemies, if only because of how many more powerful items we can use... A defensive mon with a few X-Defends can shrug off any Earthquake, and if you add in Toxic or 2 uses of Toxic Spikes then he can almost 1v6 Terra's team.
  20. Mmm, it works for me... are you using the public release of E17? (Released 24/12/2017) Also, since in E17 the shared box is #50 I've moved the contents of your shared box from box 35 to box 50. Make a backup of your savegame FOLDER before continuing. Delete the file SharedBox.rxdata, then please try if you can load the new game.rxdata. (Please note that this will overwrite your actual shared box with the one in the savegame you sent me, so make sure not to accidentally lose the backup save folder until you'll have checked your mons) Game.zip
  21. It is. Can you please send me your savegame? I could use it to more easily hunt the bug down.
  22. @Absolute Zero I guess so XD Let's see... using the relationship guide as a template: Total: -1-2+0+2+3-1+1 = 3 ... I have no idea of how did I get it to +6
  23. Are you using the most up to date version of the mod? An earlier version did have a bug with the pokedex that might be related.
  24. Please send me your savefile (attach it in a post here or in a private message). (Here's a guide on how to: http://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/16421-general-information-how-to-find-your-savefile-how-to-attach-it/ )
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