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Everything posted by Waynolt

  1. I'm using a free editor called "Gemini"
  2. Adding the same line would make rejuvenation load the external mod files, and as long as the function they are overwriting isn't too different from the one in Reborn it should work. Depends on the mod file; the simple ones will work no problem, the others may have some strange behaviour or outright bugs... You can try, but make sure to have a backup copy of your savegame first (just in case).
  3. No, pokemon from the shared box do not count towards the seen/owned in the Pokedex (this can be changed if it bothers you of course... ) Pokemon from the "ChooseStarter" component do count for the Pokedex though: for example, if you choose Fennekin and then use the mod to change it to Skorupi, your Pokedex will state that you never saw nor owned a Fennekin and that you saw and owned a Skorupi. EDIT: Actually, it would make more sense if the pokemon in the shared box were marked as owned as well... ok, changed it so that the Pokedex gets updated with the mons in the shared box. (If you're planning to use the "ChooseStarter" component, then make sure to save and reload after using it but before withdrawing your mons from the shared box - EDIT2 save/reload no longer needed)
  4. Just so you know: it seems that the reason why some users can't load the mod files is that Dir.pwd doesn't properly handle accented file paths (i.e. "Pokemon" is ok, "Pokémon" is not) Should be fixed now; there's no need to redownload the mod if it works for you.
  5. It wasn't necessary (in fact I was thinking that it would actually cause this problem on win10), but since it works it should be fine anyway XD
  6. Both removing or redownloading the mod should fix it.
  7. That's only because I was using the Scripts.rxdata file from that early download you mentioned. >< An user was kind enough to send me the updated file without having to redownload E17, so it should be fixed in the mod now too. (At least I hope so... haven't unlocked the Z moves in my E17 playthrough yet )
  8. Then, welcome to Reborn! Please try this Scripts.rxdata: when you start the game, it will tell you where is it looking for the mods and how many did it find. Is the Mods path correct and how many did it find? https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ANwdzqSPY_kXg2T8ZNt7X8t2MMHlraPc Also, did you perchance install E17 in Program Files?
  9. Which operating system are you using? Did you perchance install E17 inside or on top of E16?
  10. Wait wait wait! Just fixed another bug (a crash at night) in UnrealTime... uploaded v6. (I caused this one with the last fix )
  11. If you are also using the SetWeather component (and redownloaded the mod after the last fix), then the Weather menu in the pokegear should also have the option to change hour and weekday.
  12. Use the save manager or manually copy your saved game to another folder and start a new game. Also, if you're using the "UnrealTime" component I snuck in last night please redownload the mod, since there was a bug I just found and fixed.
  13. The link seems to be fine, please try again.
  14. Don't worry, you're not the first one having this kind of issue... it might actually be a good idea to write something about it in the first post.
  15. I'm doing a fresh run for E17 and haven't found any of those issues... can you please send me the bugged savegame, or at least give a step-by-step explanation of how you got them? (These errors seem to relate to a problem with savegame loading, but I need to investigate further to track them down.) Also, what operating system are you on and did you perchance install E17 inside or on top of E16? P.S. If you want, I might be able to restore your Vanillite (either directly from the bugged savegame or by recreating it anew from a description).
  16. Yes; afaik reju already has its own version of PR Mod Menu so that's ok, but I'm not sure about hardcore.
  17. The way you would use it with PR Mod Menu (afaik it's the same code, thus it works the same way): you use PR Mod Menu to get the reju mons in the shared box, then use SharedPC to load them in reborn (and vice versa).
  18. @Pozyher Thanks, I've uploaded the fixed file to Google Drive. (How did you manage to attach a 1 MB file? The forum won't let me attach anything bigger than 0,49 MB... )
  19. @Pozyher Could you please send me the updated Scripts.rxdata? I'd rather not re-download the whole game for just one file
  20. @PokeFailure The mini what? Where is it?
  21. This will toggle debug mode on/off: $DEBUG = !$DEBUG If you only want the debug menu for mons, then imho it's better if you just change if $DEBUG to if !$DEBUG in the script PokemonParty (line 1909).
  22. It should be fixed now (just re-download the mod).
  23. Hi! I know Ame asked not to spoil changes in teh code, but this isn't much of a spoiler anyway... I'm still putting it in the spoilers tage, just in case. I'd also like to point out that Notepad++ comes with a very useful "compare" function, which would allow us to rapidly check for changed lines of dialogue between episodes, making it quite fast and easy to update their translation.
  24. How did you get that error, exactly? Choosing Jangmo-o by ID or by name works for me... Also, since this may be a base game bug rather than a mod problem, please check if choosing something else that's forbidden in online play (for example Scyther) works for you.
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