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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Waynolt

  1. I had put the correct link in my signature so that it would be easier (for me ) to update; since it seems that Google Drive allows updating uploaded files without changing the link, I've now put it in the first post too... does it work for you now?
  2. There is an in-game switch that seems to prevent normal weather changes; since I've not been able to determine what does set it exactly, I've made it so that it is an exception for the mod too. The message "cannot do this right now" means that said switch is being used. (My best guess about the switch is that some "interactive cutscenes" of the story need a certain weather, so it is being locked by the Powers of the Plot.)
  3. I have no idea what you're talking about, and certainly do not have a link to that mod in my signature.
  4. It has been in my signature for quite some time now
  5. Or, you could use a mod and get one of them as your starter... it wouldn't even be actually cheating, if you consider how weak is Azurill early on. (And maybe Drapion doesn't like your aesthetics, have you thought about that? No you didn't, you only think about yourself and your Togekiss!) (Just kidding )
  6. I vote for a Luck monorun: Don't go out of your way to find mons; only consider to capture the ones you happen to find on your way. When you capture/obtain a mon, you throw a dice to decide if you could use him in your team or not (you don't have to use the ones who succeed, but you cannot use the ones that don't). No Drapion for the poison run?
  7. Waynolt


    In case you need suggestions, in my latest playthrough it was a Scrafty to fill these requirements.
  8. Imho the best is Skorupi, second best is Fennekin (due to typing and stats, as has already been written - plus it's a fox! Who doesn't like foxes? ). (Wouldn't it be better to add a poll, btw?)
  9. Hi! Was curious about whether it would be possible to allow Reborn to natively accept more than one playthrough at the same time; looks like it is (though it was harder than I expected*). Sooooo... is there perchance anyone (who is not already using Lugruf's Save File Manager, of course) willing to try it? If the "Profiles" component is active when you start the game, it will automatically import any saved game you have in the usual saved games folder. (It is the only component that starts out disabled - you'll need to enable it if you do want to give it a try) I've already tested everything I could think of, but I might have missed something. (I'm mostly worried that I might have damaged how the game works with the component disabled - haven't found evidence for it, but the worry is still there ) To play it safe, I'm uploading it with a different link than the one in my signature: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4XiRtkwr4bleVNtQzFqV0NqczQ (Please note that it only affects Reborn; for this and other reasons it is also way less powerful than Lugruf's Save File Manager) *(Doing it directly might be possible too, without even using profiles, but it is way harder... I gave up after realizing I'd have to mod the graphics too in order to allow every team to be displayed in the main menu)
  10. If instead it's too hard, just keep resetting - it should change how it is scrambled, and you should (eventually) find an easy one.
  11. What if: you don't interact with the diary -> Amaria comes home before Titania is back -> Amaria recognizes the diary -> giggling, she reads the diary (to tease Tania later) -> tragedy ensues
  12. Mmm... please try using this. https://www.sendspace.com/file/q47hyv
  13. Oh, alright then let's wait...
  14. Are you sure you're copying it correctly from my signature? This one should be clickable directly: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4XiRtkwr4blLXdlX29BU3ZZQ0E
  15. Yeah, well, that was kind of the idea: if you want your language in the game, then you can help make it happen.
  16. Sooooo... what about translating this game? Has our pixie-plate-powered-goddess ever talked about it? Would it even be possible? I know there's a lot to translate, but maybe even just as a community effort... there has to be community members who know more than one language and are willing to help. We could coordinate and translate a part each... what do you think about it? Imho it would make Reborn more accessible to a wider public, and maybe it would also be an interesting change for older members on their 325th run.
  17. Actually I was thinking more along the lines of dynamic difficulty... example: if you spent 2 months of gameplay before reaching Team Meteor's base, then there will be 10 extra mooks you need to battle through. Anyway, even though I do find this concept interesting, you are right: it would probably be a bad idea to add this in a Pokemon game.
  18. A concept I've been toying with (in my mind) would be to actually punish those who do seek out and complete most sidequests; the reasoning being that you're essentially wasting time when there is so much at stake already. Imho it would be realistical but very unpopular (because it goes against completionist runs and against the principle of wanting to experience what the game has to offer, the very sense of wonder and discovery that you wrote about), so this would probably be a bad thing to add to a videogame. Still worth mentioning in the forum though. Imho it would be best to leave it as it is: if the player is willing, just let him/her/whatever discover the quests on his/her/whatever own. P.S. I'm afraid that if you specifically want Ame's opinion on the matter (instead of "random user #69" 's ) you'll have to either write her a private message or at least tag her here.
  19. AFAIK you also need to have saved the policemen before exposing Corey (the first Poison gym leader); if you did, one of those policemen should give you a coupon for the bike once you revisit (and leave) the old hag's house.
  20. Wait, what? Where? I thought everybody knew this is a videogame, or that it eventually ends XD
  21. When in doubt, just go right... it can't be wrong. :drowns self out of shame for the lame pun:
  22. For what makes its future Champion, the Main Character (MC), strong is power over time itself, it's the omniscience and infinite chances that are granted by the simple being the main character of a videogame. But when it is over - what then? When we are no longer quicksaving and reloading for the MC, what becomes of this world and its champion? You know what would be awesome? If in the very end the MC broke free of player control and tried to prove xyr worth. The MC could then be the real final boss, they'd build a team and try to best the player (who's using the team with which the "near-final" battle of the game was won). Even better if the MC built a team depending on how you've played the game: for example if you always beat the gym leaders through brute force and overleveling, then the MC's team will be horrible, showing xe learnt nothing. To actually finish the game with the good ending, we'd then have to lose against the MC - who can this way prove to be adequate to the new role. There could also be an hidden counter in this final battle - if we let the MC win on purpose in an obvious way (by for example spamming Splash), it would be awesome if xe could call us out on it.
  23. I know, got bored of having to search and update each link so I just put it in my signature instead
  24. Or you could use a mod. E.g. one that makes one of the PC's boxes shared across savegames. Do you like my signature?
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