It is, @andracass, it is.
Why are you all even using that?
Please take a look at this, from KK20:,15072.msg191963.html#msg191963
Crashes with game-z, but works fine with game.exe
Instructions in the script itself.
It can:
export the game's scripts from Scripts.rxdata as plain text, which you can then edit freely with actual editors (for example Visual Studio Code)
import that plain text back into the game, re-packing it (including any edits made)
also has a "playtest" mode which sounds incredibly useful, as it automates the import on a game restart without actually editing the Scripts.rxdata file
Since this is for anyone interested and not just for cass, a word of warning: ALWAYS MAKE BACKUP COPIES OF YOUR FILES BEFORE TRYING A NEW TOOL!!!
In case the linked post goes missing in the future, I'll copy-paste version 4.0 of KK20's script in the SPOILER below: