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Everything posted by Waynolt

  1. You're using mods for E18.1, and the newest version of SharedPC isn't compatible with them. SharedPC from an older version of SWM might be compatible: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iuvk4uLSRV4VEMF0Gp5wdv9d5MmlZ-ez For the weather mod: Does the menu show up? Does it let you change the weather? Does it apply the change? For the encounter mod: what did you try to do?
  2. What do you mean? Do they throw any error message?
  3. You can try. Backup your savegame first, though
  4. The mod has to go into Data/Mods/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hc3Mo432C0 In case it's already in the right place, please try moving the game's folder somewhere else (e.g. on the Desktop)
  5. Looks like a rare bug that was fixed in the Reborn version of the mod... please try this: 1. Make a backup copy of your savegames 2. Replace the Rejuv version of the ItemFinder mod with its Reborn version 3. Reboot your PC, start the game, load your savegame 4. Take a step in any direction, switch the radar off, take another step, save the game. 5. Remove the Reborn version of the ItemFinder mod and put the Rejuv version back in 6. Reboot your PC one last time It may not work (don't remember how different is the Rejuv version from the Reborn one), but imho it's worth a shot; if it goes wrong you can always just restore your savegame from the backup copy...
  6. Someone worked on this and updated its E18 patch (and the guide).
  7. Are you perhaps referring to FindInPC from SWM? https://www.rebornevo.com/forums/topic/24930-swm-modular-modpack-e182/ If so, there seems to be a misunderstanding... that mod does not allow you to find a PC in random locations. It instead adds a search function to the PC, allowing to find mons and items in your boxes.
  8. Haven't tried; it might work for rejuv, but only if you first edit the code so that it knows what's the iD of the area from which you want to be able to access the Sandbox.
  9. The mod itself didn't add any pokemon nor form. Zeraora is in the base game's files though, and can be obtained from the generator in the top-right corner of the upper floor of the sandbox. You are likely updating it wrong: the E18 Sandbox is supposed to be installed on the E18 version of the game, and not on an older version of Sandbox; it is not an update.
  10. You did it wrong then The .rb file has to go into Reborn\Data\Mods The .rxdata file has to go into Reborn\Data
  11. Launch game -> F1 -> disable "Play BGM and ME" and "Play BGS and SE" -> ok
  12. The message says that it IS designed for 18.2 As in, you are using an 18.1 or older version of the game and need to either upgrade (= redownload) Reborn or to use an older version of SWM.
  13. You can also check the episode in the animation when you launch the game without mods: if it says "Episode 18 - void kissed" but, placing the mods back in, still get the error about the wrong episode, then you're using Reborn Episode 18.1 and need to upgrade.
  14. Please try the computer in the area in front of Agate Circus.
  15. The SharedPC mod was updated for Reborn 18.2, and thus no longer works in Reborn 18.1 (nor in other huge mods that are based on that and haven't been updated yet). That specific error pops up only when you try to use SharedPC in an older game version, like 18.1... If you're trying to use SWM on the base game, please update to Pokemon Reborn Episode 18.2 If you're trying to use SWM on a modded version of the game, you might want to use an older version of SWM instead, from the link below (in this case though please take care and make a full backup of your savegames folder: it's difficult to predict every possible interaction with huge scope mods... as Commander once said regarding SWM on Redux, "everything is compatible but nothing is guaranteed to work"): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iuvk4uLSRV4VEMF0Gp5wdv9d5MmlZ-ez/view
  16. You spent more time saying it's a stupid question than you spent actually asking it Anyway, here's the stupid answer to your stupid question: it is possible to do it by editing the stupid file Scripts.rxdata, stupid script Win32API_, stupid function Win32API.restoreScreen stupid lines about the two stupid variables x and y: Stupid answer put in the stupid file for the stupid Reborn Episode 18.2.stupid: Scripts.rxdata Make a stupid backup of your stupid Scripts.rxdata and of your stupid savegames before stupidly trying it!
  17. The modular modpack needs one single edit to the Scripts.rxdata file, so that its mods can be loaded in the game. It's a single line, added as the first line at the start of the "Main" script: Dir["./Data/Mods/*.rb"].each {|file| load File.expand_path(file) } You could try opening the Scripts.rxdata file using the Gemini editor.
  18. Also, if you can use Sludge Wave, do it: that will turn her field against her. (And if she manages to clear the waters, you can Sludge Wave again) As for mons: my bulky sludge wavey Garbodor did pretty well against her; Toxapex can be a good choice too imho.
  19. What led you to Pokemon Reborn? Saw it mentioned in a comment praising it, got curious. What do you think about the battle system in the game? I like it. As the others have mentioned, the additions make the original system more strategic. What do you think about the stories/narrative in the game? I love it. There are a lot of unique characters, an interesting villain faction, a compelling plot. The plot flows well, and the few deus ex machina actually tie in to the mystery of a certain someone. It has characters that you can believe to be real, with rounded and founded motivations and backgrounds. The villains are not all psychos, the heroes are not all heroic, each one is unique, and given a reason for what they do in the story. And each one is coherent with their own character: Charlotte won't stop being pragmatic, Radomus won't stop being jokingly rational to a fault, Terra won't stop being... whatever Terra is. I strongly believe that this story and these characters could actually be completely ripped out from the Pokemon world, be given some alternative magic/tech system to replace any mention of Pokemon, and still hold up very well. In particular, what do you think about the queer characters in the game, like Cain and Adrienn? Cain is brave but impulsive, still pained by conflicts that were not his fault. Adrienn is the type of person I tend to like the most: one that upon seeing a problem tries to do something about it, to improve the state of things for everyone. It's also a dangerous type of person, as when the solution is wrong it might end up very much worse for everyone; still, I'd prefer risking a possible tragedy over letting problems fester and pile up until they become a disaster. Please notice that I didn't mention their sexuality... I don't care about it. In fact, I had forgot that they are supposed to be queer, and would have had to think about whom were you talking about if you hadn't provided some examples. It belongs to their private life, just like how often they have to go to the bathroom or the exact details of what they did in there, and is noone else's business but their own. It's not central to who they are, what they believe, or why they act.
  20. @Marcello kind of told us where the bug was... a j used in a for i in 0...4 inside a @doublebattle If I didn't get it wrong, it should mean at line 37361 in the script PokeBattle_AI in an unmodified version of 18.2 "v=pbRoughDamage(attacker.moves[j],attacker,attacker.pbPartner,skill,attacker.moves[j].basedamage)" Maybe you could release it as a very fast, very small patch with just the fixed script file? Pretty please?
  21. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iuvk4uLSRV4VEMF0Gp5wdv9d5MmlZ-ez
  22. (Why do people just keep assuming this without checking first? ) The E18 update for the Sandbox is up and should work fine in 18.2 Alternatively, as Crystalrage mentioned, you can use the Debug mod. Less cheaty: you can breed your mons or use SWM's EvOverflow.
  23. That's precisely how you're supposed to do it.
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