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Everything posted by Waynolt

  1. Please make sure that, when you try to change the weather, A) You're using the latest version of the mod (v60 - 28/12/2019) on the latest version of the game (v18.2 - 26/12/2019) B) You're in the open (e.g. on the street in front of the Grand Hall) C) It's daytime Before selecting a new weather, please use the "Reroll weather week" option (maybe in your game the weather system got stuck; this option will reset it) After changing the weather, try going into the Grand Hall and coming out again to look for the vendor (this will reload the map and properly update it for the new weather) Any result?
  2. What do you mean? Any error messages? It doesn't appear in the Pokegear? It appears but doesn't change the weather? What were you trying to do?
  3. Actually, it's the opposite: the mod was updated for 18.2, and thus no longer works in 18.1 (nor in other huge mods that are based on that and haven't been updated yet). That specific error pops up only when you try to use SharedPC in an older game version, like 18.1... Please double check that you're running 18.2 instead (fast check: if you're on 18.2 then without the mod installed you should be able to change save file from the main menu).
  4. It was updated to 18.2; which part stil doesn't work?
  5. Please let me know if you find a way to reliably cause this crash to happen.
  6. That error should mean that the game can't find the function pbStoredLastPlayed, introduced in Reborn 18.2... did you update the base game to 18.2? If not, then simply updating your installation of the game should fix it. (See here: https://www.rebornevo.com/index.php?/pr/development/records/a-completely-inconsequential-post-r45/ )
  7. It's actually much simpler than I expected... the only thing needed is to edit a few graphic files, changing the white rectangle to something else. For example: put the files from Windowskins.zip into [Reborn's folder]\Graphics\Windowskins to invert the colors of the theme number 1 for dialogues. (Obviously, you need to unzip them first) (Also, don't forget to make a backup copy of the originals!) (To change the messages in battles you need to edit battleCommand and battleMessage from [Reborn's folder]\Graphics\Pictures... you get it, just edit the files you want to and the game's scripts should take care of the rest)
  8. Your mod will automatically be compatible with this, since the line needed to load it is already in the base game. At most, it might happen that your mod changes one of the functions that SWM does, in which case there might be an incompatibility, but it's easier to track it down when/if someone gets a bug. (It's easier because, since the code for SWM isn't viewable in RMXP, it's difficult to tell if you're editing the same functions) ( @Commander 100% loves this feature )
  9. The Gemini script editor will let you open and edit Rejuvenation's code (it's in the file scripts.rxdata) (Rpgmaker will let you do that too, of course; I personally prefer Gemini) You can open and view the code for EvOverflow with any text editor, since .rb files are essentially common text files. Any edit I made is tagged with "MODDED", which should make it easy to find them all. SWM mods simply overwrite functions from the base game, essentially rewriting them. Imho you should: Check which functions were edited for the mod. Check whether Reborn's code is the exact same as Rejuvenation's as far as the mod's edits are concerned. If it's exactly the same: simply copy over the code from the mod. If it's different: try to implement the mod's edits into Rejuvenation's code. Fix any bugs that might arise. Have fun.
  10. That menu shouldn't look like that... Are you perchance using any mod(s)?
  11. It's way down, at the bottom of the list
  12. Did you check your keybinds? Maybe your A isn't working simply because the game doesn't know that that's A... Which key do you have set as the "Special/Autosort" command in the "Controls" menu?
  13. Ok, then the mod loads up and is working... the question now is: why does it still not show up on your interface? Please use this file instead of the ones I sent you previously: SWM - UnrealTime_stepbystep.rb With this file, when you first load the game you should get a different message every few seconds: we can use them to check step by step what is happening in the game's code. Please tell me which ones you did get and what exactly did they report. The complete series of messages looks like this: UT sprite created UT is set as visible/hidden UT text: [time and weekday] UT was updated UT cycle renews
  14. Uhm... there shouldn't be any reason why it wouldn't work for you... Please remove UnrealTime and, in its place, try these: 1. this one makes the clock always visible: SWM - UnrealTime_alwaysvisible.rb 2. this one makes the simulated time go 100 times faster: SWM - UnrealTime_speedytime.rb Try the first one; if it doesn't work, then use the second one instead and wait a few minutes in game: if you can witness the day/night cycle go by, then we at least know that the mod is working even though it still isn't showing the clock - either way, we can investigate further from there.
  15. The Unreal Time mod is set to always show the clock in the upper-left corner; Aironfaar's mods change this behaviour. Did you move Reborn out of the Downloads folder? Leaving it there sometimes causes issues with the mods...
  16. Your SharedPC.rxdata file is probably corrupted. If your shared box (it's the one with the highest number in the PC) was currently empty, then simply delete SharedPC.rxdata manually from your savegames folder. If instead you did have mons in your shared box and now they're gone, then you'll have to also restore one of the game's backup saves. EDIT: I've updated the SharedPC mod, so that it should now be able to detect at least some cases of the file being corrupted.
  17. Agreed, and they "last" a very long time too... in my last playthrough those two beat the Fairy gym almost on their own (with grassy terrain+sludge wave), and Garbodor's sludge wave even pretty much soloed the Water gym!
  18. It's also heavily implied that dr bdsm managed to traumatize those children with his passion for aimless torture. Psychological constraints are a very real and very powerful thing.... think for example how elephants or dogs won't turn on their owners even when mistreated (unless pushed way too far).
  19. Waynolt


    First, make a backup copy of your savegame. Then, try setting the variable 150 to 27 If that doesn't work, please upload the backup copy of your savegame in this thread.
  20. Hi, just a quick note: you should now be able to use the E18 Sandbox to generate any Drapion form from the Alternate Form Pack. (It might work for other mons too, but let's keep focus on what's most important.)
  21. The Additional Options mod includes a versatile framework that makes it easy to add more options; I simply added, at the start of PickupQoL's file, the lines required to use that framework. (You can open .rb files with a simple text editor, like for example Notepad++)
  22. Yes Scripts.rxdata; the Gemini script editor and RPGMaker will both allow you to edit it. It might not be worth installing either, though, if you're going to use them just for this edit... I've edited the PickupQoL mod from the SWM modpack: when installed in conjunction with @Aironfaar's Additional Options mod, they will add an entry in your Options menu, which will let you change the Pickup chance at will on the fly. You can find SWM here: https://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/24930-swm-modular-modpack-e18/ You can find @Aironfaar's Additional Options here: https://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/40480-aironfaars-mod-box-e181updated-2018-12-12/&do=findComment&comment=799808
  23. Tab should be fine imho. By the way, have you considered also making it an entry either in the Pokemon menu or in the Options menu, if there isn't one already? People would then have a way of doing this without memorizing an hotkey...
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