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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Hydrogen

  1. I really love pokemon fangames like yours, but please consider party debug/autohook/common headbutt/wildencounter rates. Maybe passwords? So everyone will be able to decide how to play.
  2. I just don't get it. Why devs are so bhurt about party debug? I don't want and don't have time to waste rolling abilities\natures or breeding some moves and ev training. IV password solves almost all of this, but still there is a whole lot of unnecessary grind left to do.
  3. Hydrogen

    Gift Box?

    There is an old man in the building north of Julia's gym. Give it to him.
  4. You can get flash cannon only after defeating the last gym leader available in the current version, so just forget about it.
  5. New lucifer Lucia's eyes looks like she gonna kill me and my whole family
  6. Pyukumuku with purify and a magic seed totally breaks this battle.
  7. just use party debug for ev\iv, I think it's fair for intense cause it's a single player game, why should you spend tens of hours resetting and breeding? your enemies have it and ALSO fields, moves and items unavailable to you in their favor
  8. well, i won after like....150 attempts, when paralyze worked 3 times in a row, i guess this still should be balanced
  9. nope, gard can't kill muk with one psychic, so it just dies. And you are not able to switch pokemon before the battle cause there is no pokemon section in the menu
  10. i literally can't do a shit against one of robots 38 muk 39 salazzle and 38? lvl weezing her team is togekiss 39 aura sphere\ air slash\ thunder wave\ flamethrower gardevoir 38 dazzling gleam\ psychic\ shadow ball\ calm mind and meganium 38 with some shitty moves as well i tried to paralyze muk and then air slash him (like 1\6 1\7 per hit), but this shit just don't work, he two shots togekiss with sludge wave, you can kill muk with gardevoir psychic, but then it is poisoned cause of the field and the salazzle outspeed it and one-shot with venoshock, meganium can't do a shit... and cause it's intense battle mod is set, items are blocked, i have no idea what to do (i bet it's winnable, but you have to reset like ~9000 times to kill muk without letting him use his sludge wave, but it is total bs) any ideas? Game.rxdata
  11. It was a hard one, I started with chingling extransensory and reloaded a few times to flinch and kill gabite not letting him set stealth rocks(yawn was also quite helpful) and then nuzzled and electroballed lapras with pachirisu, 2-3 lucky paralyze procs and the battle was won on a 5th attempt. That should be enough if you can handle his most powerful mons.
  12. Well, quest list was announced for the next version of desolation, maybe devs would like to contact caz and use it in next version of rejuv as well. Not a bad idea actually but it's up to the developers.
  13. Starter only atm. And i think will be till ver. 15-16.
  14. Don't know her team on casual, but properly iv+ev trained and leveled mamoswine with elemental seed and snow cloak ability should be able to handle her on it's own. Even in worst case scenario it should be able to ko 2-3 of her mons.
  15. rollout and 100+ resets, no other way
  16. Sturdy togedemaru can deal with floatzel, nuzzle it and use electric terrain, if you are lucky you might even kill it with zing zap, if not - it is paralyzed and the field works against her team...for several turns.
  17. Well...party debug saved me a ton of time (ev\iv\nature\ability changing aspects) , I am sad . It would take like 10+ hours per mon now and hours of resetting the ditto fight.
  18. Could you post a link for v1-8? It might be interesting to play and see how much the game improved and changed.
  19. There is a cave hidden under the waterfall nearby.
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