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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Kling

  1. I can battle you on Reborn. I need a good fight for my new team. My username is kling.
  2. I could be interested by your porygon if it has 31/x/31/31/31/31 IV. How did you breed it by the way ? I can't easily breed genderless pokemon due to my poor IV Ditto. I'm willing to give you my DeepSeaTooth or DeepSeaScale for it. But I'm intrigued. Why do you need those ?
  3. I) Requested Pokemon : Drillbur Gender(Male or Female) : Female if not 5x IV, male otherwise Item(c/o Lightseeker/luis) : - Ability : Sand Rush Nature : Jolly IV Spread: 31/31/31/x/31/31 would be the best but I can breed one myself, not too picky Shininess(Normal or Shiny) : Normal Egg Moves : - Offered Pokemon : Marill Gender(Male or Female) : Female Item : - Ability : Huge Power Nature : Adamant IV Spread: 31/31/31/x/31/31 Shininess(Normal or Shiny) : Normal Egg Moves : Aqua Jet, Superpower Online ID : kling II) Requested Pokemon : Togepi Gender(Male or Female) : Female if not 5x IV, male otherwise Item(c/o Lightseeker/luis) : - Ability : - Nature : Timid IV Spread: 31/x/31/31/31/31 would be the best but I can breed one myself (a bit painfull though) Shininess(Normal or Shiny) : Normal Egg Moves : Nasty plot Offered Pokemon : Shellder Gender(Male or Female) : Female Item : - Ability : Skill Link Nature : Jolly IV Spread: 31/31/31/x/31/31 Shininess(Normal or Shiny) : Normal Egg Moves : Rock Blast Online ID : kling I absolutely need Togepi to pass Wish to my evoli. I have many more 5x IV pokemon to choose from (Magikarp, Tyrunt, Snivy, Venipede, Sneasel, Larvesta, Froaki, Riolu, Litwik, Axew, Torchic, ...). Just tell me if you prefer one of those. Kling
  4. Hi I've got a 31/x/31/31/31/31 female litwick (or a 31/31/31/31/x/31 male timid). Or a lot of other pokemons, depending on what you want (but I see you already have quite of bunch of them). I would love to have one of those Adamant drillbur in exchange. PM me if you're interested!
  5. Hi ! I have this sneasel if you are interested. It also has Icicle Crash as an egg move. I would love to have one of those two female drillbur for it. The one who have the best IV if possible PM me if that's good for you !
  6. Your welcome ! When I breed and I finally start to generate 4 IV pokemon, I usually trade them randomly, hoping for the best. I actually have received some very nice surprises like that majestic Axew from Irene. And also a big thanks to whoever sent me the first pokemon infected with pokerus. So much easier to EV train thanks to it !
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