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About RudyRudy

  • Birthday 09/03/1997

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    Pokemon, Anime, Manga, Gaming

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  1. Lin seemed awfully confident facing it though...I'm not talking about the pollution, just that Lin's Hydreigon seems exceptionally dangerous, taking out a level 75 Steelix in one hit. It's unclear whether it survived that, isn't it?
  2. Speaking of Mr B. How'd he...detach himself from the pulse? He wasn't connected when we found him...and very much alive, unless you killed it in that battle, which seems unlikely. What of the Camerupt? It wasn't hooked up when we first see it with Taka in Azurine Island...and it can't be the first time they hooked it up, can it? They'd have to have done tests first. Unless that was another Camerupt? Maybe it turns up later? Tourmaline? I don't think Hydreigon's blast was strong enough to kill it...
  3. I think ZEL said that about the first Tang, but the wording was pretty vague. Also the game says something about ending the Avalugg's misery when challenging it...
  4. Like the title says...what happened to them? Camerupt's Pulse entry says it would die after eruption, but it didn't get the chance, since
  5. @Avria Oh, sorry, didn't notice that Muk post. Would a shiny Magnemite do?
  6. Pokemon Requested: Torchic Gender (Optional): Male Egg Moves (Optional): IVs (Optional): 31/31/31/x/31/31 if possible, but I don't mind if it's not Nature (Optional, free): Adamant Pokerus (Optional, free): Yes Ability (Optional, free): Other (Optional): Offering: Shiny Grimer Gender (Optional): Male Egg Moves (Optional): none IVs (Optional if they're not high): 21/29/18/13/5/23 Other (Optional): Thanks in advance!
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