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Timothy Oh

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Timothy Oh

  1. Hey Jan, checked back in after a while and saw the status thread.
    Wow, you work fast! I remember you said before that you were tired, but seeing you still do all this is amazing.


    Thanks so much for your hard work!

    1. Jan


      Yep, and I still am tired honestly- That being said, knowing that you all are counting on me really drives me to keep going. So thank -you- for playing and

      motivating me <3

  2. Definitely take a break if you need it Jan. I really appreciate everything you have done for us!
  3. So I went through the whole magma stone thing, and I chose to save The Eldest. I am now looking for Crawli again but I have no idea where to find him 0_0
  4. Bump! Sorry I would help but I haven't had the time to get far into the game yet. If there isn't, I could edit your file for you and remove the moves you do not want! Although, to my knowledge, you should be able to learn moves over HM moves without needing a deletor.
  5. Thanks for the replies guys ^__^ Appreciate it!
  6. Are all the move animations coded in? Was just testing out for bugs and stuff, and the move Earthquake did not have a move animation for me. Maybe my file is just corrupt T_T haha
  7. Hey Jan, tried sending you a PM but you're inbox is full T_T was a long message too.. haha

    I was wondering if I could get the PBS files for Rejuvenation?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Timothy Oh

      Timothy Oh

      No problem, and thank you so so so so so so much Jan!!!!

      One last question... am I allowed to help people who get stuck or need files edited to recover a lost key item?
      Or is that only for moderators and developers?

    3. Commander


      Yes, you are allowed to help. And trust me, the more the merrier in that department.

    4. Timothy Oh

      Timothy Oh

      Awesome thanks!

  8. Same, I have been attempting to find the PBS files with no luck. Few people have told me they have the files, but they are not allowed to share them directly.... so how am I to access them? If anyone could please, please, please give me a copy, I would be extremely grateful. Have been searching the web the past five hours for it... need to wake up in 4 hours for work now lol...
  9. I disagree, I think a stall/status team is "perfect" for Reborn. Muk is indispensable haha Any pokemon that can lower opponents accuracy, increase its own evasion, or inflict status/traps on the enemy. One of my earlier play through I stuck with the same 6 pokemon.. I believe I used two muks but I don't recall.
  10. Thanks! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO only one?!?!?! Oh gosh, I just auto-selected the Obsidian one T___T lol
  11. Wait WHAT... Is this something new within the past year??? Thanks for letting me know man! Also, where can I find this control list? The one at the beginning of the game didn't have this (or I'm just blind).
  12. Hey guys, first off... glad to see you all again! Back to Reborn after a full year (stopped gaming), and forgot my old ID/email T_T Anyways, I noticed something that I did not have trouble with last year: movement in buildings. I've always suffered lag when outside, so I do change my date/time for clear weather (since rain always made me lag), but now I'm experiencing... a buff(?) indoors. I suddenly move like 10x normal speed while indoors for reasons I can not explain. I thought this might have to do with me speeding up the game (x2 speed with certain program everyone knows but we shouldn't name I believe) so I tried playing without it, but I still suffer from it (although not 10x, maybe like 3x?) Anyone have any ideas?
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