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Sir Flash™

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About Sir Flash™

  • Birthday 01/03/1992

Profile Information

  • Alias
    Sir Flash
  • Gender
  • Location
    Gaming & Streaming
  • Interests
    Sports, Music, Anime, Manga/Manwha, Culture, Wrestling, Education, Technology.

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  1. Well this is a reoccurring thing. I rarely log on the forum but you still see me elsewhere >_>.

  2. Due to devpro being out for a month on top of other issues, I will be closing this league until further notice.
  3. Just pm me the files and i'll have it set up
  4. If you have buddies who want to join in, feel obliged to invite them.
  5. top 6 was decided by points. The website has the brackets handled fine.
  6. If you already in the league, you don't have to re-sign up xD
  7. Here are the top 6 people who made it to playoffs! Congratulations to Lits for winning MVP of the league! League 1 Final Standings League 2 Final Standings
  8. Here are the top 6 people who made it to playoffs! Congratulations to Lits for winning MVP of the league! League 1 Final Standings League 2 Final Standings
  9. This week is a bye week everyone. The playoffs will begin on sunday. Take this time to practice your deck builds because you will only be allowed to use 1 deck only. Please submit your decks to me in private and do not tell others what you are playing.
  10. I will be playing, it will be awesome to play with you all
  11. New rule added and effective immediately...
  12. Week 5 matches are up for league 1. Bagel has dropped out and I have sent everyone a group pm, please check it. League 2 will not be ready until 4:30 pm central. http://challonge.com/rygoleague
  13. Fezzdog is your other opponent for league 2 Lits Let me know how your match went
  14. Week 4 has begun everyone, click on the link from first page to see who your opponent is. Match of the Week features Lits vs Shadow Roxas, being Lits 2nd week in a row facing an undefeated opponent.
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