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Everything posted by M4RC

  1. That is true, however, Unown has higher stats than Combee in every category apart from speed. Furthermore, Hidden Power can technically turn out to be every type (apart from Normal and Fairy in this case I believe). I will admit, though, that Unown is still of worse in regards to move(s), however, it can at least attack with a 72 base attack as opposed to 30. Both are immune to Ground moves, Unown has 2 resistances (1/2 Fighting and Psychic), Combee has 3 (1/4 Fighting & Grass, 1/2 Bug), so that puts Unown at a disadvantage. However, Unown has 3 weaknesses (2x Bug, Ghost, Dark) whereas Combee has 5 (2x Fire, Electric, Ice, Flying, 4x Rock), which puts Combee at a disadvantage. Not necessarily saying one is definitely better/worse than the other but I think this shows that one can't say Unown is harder with certainty either.
  2. A male Combee. I believe that this is the worst pokemon that cannot evolve in terms of total base stats with the exception of Shedinja. If it has honey gatherer it does nothing for you in battle while hustle makes it unreliable in terms of accuracy. And I think it can learn about 6 or 7 moves in total, TMs included. One of which is Snore, however it does not have a way to put itself to sleep. Honestly not sure if there's any harder option than this (in regards to fully evolved or non-evolveable Pokemon)
  3. Hey everyone! I'm sitting in Agate Circus and I'm not getting lucky with the Ice Cream Vendor, however, I'd like to give Tania some. Unfortunately I forgot to stack up before heading for Agate. I don't have a whole lot but I could hook you up with a shiny (Meowth, Porygon, Caterpie, Bellsprout, Noctowl) or 4 random Pokemon holding a rare bone each (their selling value would match the buying price of the Ice Cream)
  4. "Please note that this is NOT the place to ask for online trades. For that, please use the Online Play forum."
  5. Do I need to have beaten Luna for it? Or is it already too late for it if I've beaten Radomus and Dittoceus? If not, mind telling me where exactly? Because I swear I've run the entire thing up and down 3 times right now and I cannot seem to encounter her for the life of me. Edit: Nvm, she showed up, although I believe in a section I've checked multiple times, so maybe it has to do with time, weather or the entrance I take - thank you for your help!
  6. I've recently started a new savegame and I've now progressed past beating Radomus and Dittoceus and I figured I'd clear as much of the Aventurine Woods as I can before heading for Luna. Now I think I haven't missed anything however I'm pretty sure you could encounter Tania previously. Was that encounter removed? On another note: Since the Joltik event that used to be in the North Aventurine Woods has been moved to Peridot (Grubbin/Joltik) I was wondering whether there is another event or whether the webs where it used to be are now without any relevance?
  7. @Dragoknight And well deserved as well! The guardian of the sea, the one whose wrath is legendary, the greatest legendary there ever was, the greatest legendary there will ever be.
  8. @the red guy You forgot to add a point to Lugia, so I'll do it for you. This means, now it's: Lugia: 82 Giratina: 7 Zekrom: 12
  9. Lugia: 80 Giratina: 13 Reshiram: 1 Zekrom: 14
  10. Lugia: 80 Giratina: 15 Reshiram: 7 Zekrom: 14 For me, Lugia combines it all. The feeling of nostalgia (although not my first Pokemon game, Pokemon Gold was the first I was really attached to), the incredible design, the story around it, the movie; As far as I can remember, Lugia has always been one of my favorite Pokemon and definitely my favorite legendary. (Sorry Mew, you're second I guess - I don't differenciate between legendary, mystic, whatever)
  11. Lugia: 79 Giratina: 14 Reshiram: 11 Zekrom: 17
  12. @Wolfox Oh well, in that case, I'll make another "ranking", but I'll keep it more 'compact'. Regarding class 1A, the three I like the best would probably be Deku (it's actually quite rare that I like the main character best; I prefer Vegeta to Goku, Killua to Gon, Zoro to Luffy,...), Todoroki and Froppy; Honorable mention: Bakugo (I can sense ridiculous character development from him) Regarding other students (manga spoilers included): Other people, heroes and villains (manga spoilers as well):
  13. Are you aware that you're asking - well, not asking, that you're DEMANDING - Pokemon, that are not yet obtainable ingame? Of course there are people who can give you these Pokemon, but a little politeness would certainly suit you. If you want people to do you a favor, that's not how you talk to them, is it?
  14. Lugia: 76 Groudon: 2 Giratina: 16 Reshiram: 13 Zekrom: 17
  15. I think that's a pretty obvious list. (at least if we're only talking class 1A, because some heroes are amazing as well as some other students - looking at you, Hatsume + some who are yet to appear in the anime) Mine would have different rankings though. I'm not sure if I can rank them, saying this one is better than that one and so on. Todoroki is more or less a born main character. Deku is someone very relatable, a tangible character with incredible growth and a very intelligent and rational way of thinking. Bakugo, while aggressive, is someone who's bound to have a lot of character development (and is already starting to show, especially in the manga). He's also the one who got to his position without the genes or the help of the Nr. 1 or Nr. 2 hero in the world. Froppy/Tsuyu, even though she is very well liked, is one of those underrated characters for me, since the "top 4" are supposed to receive more spotlight. But she's actually very intelligent and proficient with her abilities, and she has the instinct as well as the skill to perform. They even talk about her not having any obvious weaknesses at times. Another (obvious) pick I really like is Tokoyami. Uraraka and Ashido would probably complete the list. On the other hand, I don't like Aoyama, Mineta and I really don't like what they've done with Yaoyorozu. The one's I just don't really care about are Ojiro, Shoji, Sero, Sato and Kaminari, the other ones are borderline between tier 1 and "don't care about"
  16. Lugia: 73 Groudon: 6 Giratina: 16 Reshiram: 13 Zekrom: 19
  17. Lugia: 71 Groudon: 10 Giratina: 16 Reshiram: 14 Zekrom: 19 Edit: When did Reshiram go from 14 to 13? I don't see anyone hurting it, so I'll bump it back to 14.
  18. Aerodactyl: 25 Armaldo: 4 This shall end today!
  19. Lugia: 68 Groudon: 13 Giratina: 19 Reshiram: 14 Zekrom: 21 Wow, I didn't realise Reshiram was so much less liked than Zekrom. Personally, I'd take Reshiram all day long.
  20. Kabutops: 2 Aerodactyl: 25 Armaldo: 9
  21. Lugia: 67 Groudon: 14 Giratina: 18 Reshiram: 18 Zekrom: 23
  22. Kabutops: 5 Aerodactyl: 27 Armaldo: 10
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