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Everything posted by Collapse

  1. Update: still looking for anyone with a Spheal !!
  2. Sent you a DM !! Ready to go !!
  3. Im not sure of rules, but keeping one thread sounds good. I'm sure I'll reopen this later. [History] 04/22/22 - Spheal gotten! [Wanted] - [Offering] -
  4. Gothitelle throws herself at you, gen 8 raid style with 2 shields, not sure what her level is but she hits hard enough that you shouldn't try her immediately after Keta arc, and your reward is a Gothita I don't usually pay attention to the movesets in the walkthrough, but I was just looking over the Geara fight I finished (Xen Executive Geara (Forest Field)) and have to wonder if movesets are potentially different? His Gengar knew Giga Drain, his Grimmsnarl used Sucker Punch, and his Persian used Fake Out, and I'm pretty sure I'm running a normal game mode.
  5. Just wanted to thank you for this thread because I managed to defeat Y-bird with this. From the Wispy Ruins, I got a Dawn Stone and I have a female Snorunt from either Team Xen encounters or Route 4 raids, so I ended up with a Froslass with cursed body. At that point in the game I have 4 revives, maybe from mining and just items everywhere so I kept resetting until my Froslass pulled the ability off twice - some of my Pokemon can take more than one Y-bird struggle, so I'm sure that helped too (Luxray, Obstagoon, Corviknight). I was playing the game on 4x speed from ... Certain Software so I can't screenshot it but when the battle was over, there was the Karma Eye above my character, so it definitely counts towards SOMETHING. Incoming screenshots, of my game inevitably crashing: I don't want to just have a boatload of screenshots so here's the following scene uh transcribed:
  6. 18.2 Randomizer is Very Balanced™ Spits out a Mew

  7. Sorry if this is a repeat question, I've got the Rugged Badge and instead of hopping onto the train and continuing the storyline, I kinda detoured to do some sidequests - I think I locked myself out of GDC/Stadium area ... do I need to change to V11 and throw myself back there? Or is there another way back there? Thanks
  8. hyper voice breaks protect - end me now

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Collapse


      I'm willing to believe in like 3 different possibilities. 


      1. It was the second attempt to protect in a row (very unlikely, I'm not trash garbage)

      2. there's always a little bit of lag if your keyboard-flying the top-left-down arrow keys + enter/space - so I accidentally used another move?

      3. I broke the game.


      It's during the V18 uh massive 3-in-a-row-battle-gauntlet which is why I was so mad. 

    3. Swampellow


      I’ve gotta ask what the full situation was. As in Pokémon in battle/Pokémon using the move/etc 

    4. Collapse


      So I was in the middle of typing the situation out but at this point I've forgotten a lot of the critical details. This is the Player vs Radomus + Serra from reborn v18


      >> ???, Mega Garde
      >> Sylveon, Swampert


      Swampert low HP, bait the enemy AI to hit its protect while Sylveon gets a free turn to set up Misty Terrain. > Mega Garde moves first, Hyper Voice. Damage is being lain onto both Pokemon. 


      Things I Wasn't Paying Attention To: whether or not Swampert got the Protect off. I wasn't reading the battle text as I was googling searching something on the side most likely. I just turned back to the game and saw Swampert going down and then Sylveon eating some Steel-Attack. 


      For the Record: Not in regards/relevent to actual Pokemon games. I doubt Pokemon™ could actually get away with something like this. 

  9. Who on earth is writing any and all of the side bits throughout V11? ''' We aren’t part of the international bad guy group anymore! We’re living in this abandoned desert city, out of the way. We just needed quick cash, so we used this sleeping-gas on any and all tourists or wanders that came this way and robbed them fucking blind, while using this as a hideout! Please don’t evict us, we’ll literally die if we aren’t allowed to be in this hideout '''  - quite literally, prison has better accommodations (if it isn't in America) and let's remember that the 'better ending' essentially rounds up to a ''' yeah we know you've tried to eradicated entire cities, towns, terrorized people, and much worse that wont be disclosed, but - oh - you’ve left the group now? So it’s all fine! ''' 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Youmu9


      Is Madame X omnipotent or something? How would she know if these grunts were sent to prison? Even then, doesn't she do a daily head count on the number of grunts she has? If she was missing some she should just believe they've betrayed her and eviscerate them then and there. I seriously believe everyone in Team Xen is utterly incompetent. I only really like Madelis cause her incompetence is endearing at least.

    3. logintomylife


      I believe it works in terms of signals, maybe every grunt and "death-wing" have some device installed in their uniforms or their bodies, and upon knowing that they are missing Madame X just activates something and it erases the grunt from existence. It can be anything from a malicious-super-computer-thingy to a Rift-Pokemon similar to the former. I think it could be some sort of magical signal thing could work, as we see in many instances that Madame X can't reach certain places with that power: Amethyst cave and the Garufa Temple for example, and the desert could be the same. As far as it goes, the story -wants- us to believe Madame X is omnipotent, making her the big-bad she is, and we should be rightfully afraid of her >.>

    4. Collapse


      This all is detracting from my main issue, but if I did evict them, I end up with less relationship points with Daimen (is that how you spell his name?) and he ends up in a mental state that isn't the most ideal, as I have no idea what will happen or if I even need him for a more 'optimal' ending I guess I have to sit here and be okay with the whole thing.


      It's like every time Melia has those relationship point dialogues, you just know you spam 'A' and don't read it so you don't get mad - so when you get to the library scene with Erin, she says that 'she trusts you' - and I think the ghost in your head can tell you '[You're] a good person'. 

      I don't have a problem with the grunts dying at all. Evil for evil, evil beget evil, and all that. Or at the very least, serve your goddamn time. So in all, its every single relationship point scam dialogue that grinds my gears a lot. This was just meant to be a venting status, because every aspect of it is so paragon-oriented, if there is need for discussion on Madame X's prowess (I'm interested in this too!) I'd start something on the forums, or join in preexisting ones. 

  10. dcfvgbhnjmk solved.
  11. I'm willing to give some thought into the first case but I have a lot of doubts about the second one, where I'm just unlucky or RNG is working against me. Even in my previous runs in V8,9,10 event pokemon usually have 100% guarantee to have one egg move, it's just a matter of which one you want/will get when you try to reset for it. (Like if you're resetting for have Destiny Bond or Pain Split on your Shuppet). I guess I was just hoping to get some confirmation whether or not the 100% egg move guarantee on event pokemon was changed in V11 ... or if my game is just whack. Thanks tho.
  12. Title. I've resetted multiple times against the Shuppet, no egg moves - just Knock Off and Screech I moved on, Nidoran, Budew - nothing. Just regular initial moveset without, say Sucker Punch or even Extrasensory My friend is playing alongside me, her Shuppet has Pain Split, Nidoran Sucker Punch and Budew Extrasensory naturally. What happened :thinking: ?
  13. Post V10 contents: I run into Karrina in Akuwa's Pokemart - I don't remember what she said, but after she gives you the Repel, she tells you that she's going back [home] is that all there is? For some reason I remember her inviting me over for something ... ? Is there a sidequest attached onto this? For Everforest North Cave and Seabound East cave, those caves aren't responsive to field changes right? Only ONE cave reacts to Earthquake/Bulldoze?
  14. Do you have to finish ALL of V10 content to continue Ana's sidequest? I seem to be able to restart it when I find Jenny in the hospital, but when I walk outside, Ana isn't at HOH's sign for me to talk to her. Have you refought Rorrim B. (can't confirm this is actually his name) yet? I think you need to go find him near the waterfalls of Terajuma Island (it's close to where you would have fought Valerie) he's just casually hunting for bugs on a tree and he should tell you where Crawli is.
  15. Thank you very much, especially over something this silly ; - ; the error never popped up when I entered any other building, just that one so I assumed. Sorry for that, and thank you again for looking into it ! <3
  16. Just in the beginning of V10, I thought I'd explore GDC for any new changes - like tormenting the lady on the street - and everytime when I try to go into the Central Building, I get this: my save file has some experience being heavily modded, but I made sure to disable followers and save it with the original V9 script before loading V10 ... Any help would be appreciated! Game.rxdata
  17. ////Fuck I haven't been on forums long enough ugh lemme just move this to the other savefile bug thread sorry/////
  18. Thank you both for directing me around - the only thing I can't seem to find is the thief ... I know he's on the building with 46th floor but he's not there when I go see him no matter what time I go to try and see him, I've also put in the patchfix 10 (not version 10 just the a patch for v9) and he's still not there ... is he only here during V10?
  19. Hey there, so I'm giving V10 bit of time as bugs are crawling in and out at a steady pace, that and I just finished the main storyline of V9 and now have the freedom to explore around and pick up some events I may have missed - I'm not too interested in things like Zygarde Cells, but I know that I've got Ralts and Beldum hunting on my to-do list and was wondering if there was already a list of 'things to do after V9' floating around already for me to check off? If not ... Is there anything I'm missing from this list: [x] Kimono Girls (Eevee and Vulpix) [x] Underground (Reach end of Ana) [x] Rift (Stamp and Money) [x] Type: Null [x] How the Hell do you encounter Shinx? Time? Specific Day? [x] Porygon Z is listed as obtainable ... where is dubious disk? [x ] Ralts [x] Beldum [ ] How do you start the paint theft sidequest? [ ] What am I supposed to do with Damien (regarding "Alexandra")? Thanks in advance ... no really, if you check it out and send a reply back thank you. (I'm also still really invested in my baby Chandelure, the dead mother Chandelure and child-Narcissa thing going on, but I assume it doesn't continue with V10?)
  20. Hey there, so since v9 I restarted and even now I’ve just made it to The Revelation of How Melia Survives Amethyst Cave - I certainly don’t mind restarting but I’m not sure what additions or events I would lock myself out of if I decided to just patch v10 now - I didn’t want to spoil myself but I’m seeing chatter about wispy tower or odd house and I worry about missing out on Narcissa things (or even more). As a bit of a completionist/opportunitist should I fully explore my v9 and then patch v10 and its contents or are there significant enough changes to warrant a complete restart? Thanks for ur opinions in advance :3
  21. Hey there, so I tried checking out the directory and there doesn't seem to be any mods for UI texture like the infamous one that Reborn has. Is this simply because the directory hasn't been updated in a while? Does anyone know if the reborn UI be used for rejuvenation? Thanks!
  22. Ah ... the urge to post a journal like thing for my game run on the forums is overwhelming ... where's the appropriate place to do so?

    1. Zarc


      Team showcase.

    2. Collapse


      I realize my desires may have been expressed a bit too broadly - I meant journal as in just something like writing down: God I hate Taka, I say as I try to un-attach him from me, but consider multiple forms of consequences and jab F12. Then again, something like that is rather entirely too personal and a little TMI-cringey, so I might just make Fanfic out of my run and just stick it into the Creative Thread. 


      Thank you for the swift response tho senpai.

    3. Zarc


      oh , my bad. Didn't understand well. 


      Then yeah you're right , creative work should be good :) 

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