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About KmK

  • Birthday 03/22/1994

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  1. Happy birthday!! I hope you have a nice day!
  2. If I remember correctly, its confirmed in game that Heather is part of the elite four. And I think her type is flying? She definitely has a salamance.
  3. Yeah I realised that too. That was a wham moment. I wonder if theyll find out in the game and, if they do, what their reactions will be. And if Amber will find out what happened to her dad.
  4. I liked it. You wrote an event that happens in reborn without copying every sentence straight from the game. That way, while knowing roughly what will happen, it's still different enough to have some suspense. I also think the pace of the story was good, by skipping from finding the police officer to the station and from the station to the battle, you don't slow the story down so that it doesn't become boring. I was a little confused at the first paragraph, not knowing what the story was about. However, things became clearer as I read on. It does kinda feel like the protaganist should have a bigger reaction to finding the dead police officer. After all, he found a dead person. That should have some kind of reaction besides "Damn". Unless this has to do with the character's personality, which this story was to short for to get a feel for. I do have a question though: are you going to write an entire story? Or is this going to be a one-shot? It does say chapter one... If you're going to write the entire game as a story, I wouldn't start with this as chapter one. Also, if you're going to write the entire story, I would put a summary at the beginnning. Just so people know what to expect. I also think growlithe's reaction/behavior was a good idea. It makes sense for the pokemon to react to her trainers dead. Hope this response makes sense, English is not my native language. Overall, I did like the story and I'd be interested in reading more.
  5. So, I just read through this topic. First of all I have to say I'm really impressed with the sprites. I can really see how much you guys improved in terms of making them. The sprites on the first page were a bit off at times, but there's hardly anything wrong with the most recent ones. Great improvement! And I really like the final evolution of the water starter. I really like the dragonfly line, it looks great! Just two things: the line has two 'spikes' on the head. With the first evolution it looks like the 'spikes' are meant to be ears. But looking at the other two, they're clearly not meant to be ears. Maybe it's just me, but I thought I'd mention it. Also, one paw of the final evolution seems kinda weirdly placed? The most visible one, I think I'd place it higher up the body, near the head. As for the ant line: for me the two evolutions are a little bit too different, so it feels like they're not part of the same line (again, might just be me). And you could consider adding feelers to their heads? (but that's just an idea and not necessary).
  6. I really like the colours of some of them. Gengar, dragonite, scizor and venausaur (I really like the colour combination of this one) look pretty nice. Just a little bit of feedback: Haxorus: the outline is a little bit hard to see, especially on the front sprite. I would make the outline darker to make it more noticible. Same for the shading, mostly the red. It's hard to see. Same story with lucario really: the (red) shading is hard to see.
  7. Its where you battle soul/ghost Keta
  8. I don't know if this has any influence on whether you get the 'true ending' or not. I played part of this episode (I'm currently at chapter 3), but I also like to watch playthroughs from other people on YouTube. During one playthrough I noticed that there was a difference compared to mine. This happened when you go to rescue Taelia form the thugs.
  9. Unfortunately I don't have the time to play the new version because I'm busy with my internship. Still, @Jan and everyone else who worked on version ten, thanks for your hard work and I can't wait till I have the time to play version ten.
  10. One of my favourite things of reborn are the sprites. I think most of them look really good. I also love the little 'animations' of the sprites and the scenes. To me it adds to the story in a positieve way.
  11. @Thiazzi Whoops, you're right, Thanks for correcting my mistake.
  12. Omastar: 14 Kabutops: 21 Aerodactyl: 22 Cradily: 20 Armaldo: 22 Rampardos: 22 Bastiodon: 4 Carracosta: 19 Archeops: 15 Tyrantrum: 24 Aurorus: 18
  13. Cain: 21 Aya: 5 Florinia: 20 Hardy: 3 Shade: 13 Shelly: 27 Anna: 27 Laura: 23 ZEL: 20
  14. Mega Beedrill: 26 Mega Pidgeot: 36 Mega Camerupt: 44 Mega Gallade: 47 Mega Diancie: 4
  15. Mega Pinsir: 5 Mega Aerodactyl: 20 Mega Ampharos: 24 Mega Scizor: 26 Mega Heracross: 20 Mega Houndoom: 25 Mega Aggron: 24 Mega Manectric: 23 Mega Abomasnow: 9
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