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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Drakonia101

  1. I do but I kind of forgot my password, gotta wait to get it reset.
  2. Hi there! The name's Drakonia, and well I'd like to introduce myself and get to know others. Though its been quite a while since I've played Pokemon Reborn (due to college and stuff) I had played and enjoyed it for quite some time with a friend of mine for a YouTube series and decided to pick the game up again in my spare time. I've been playing Pokemon in general since about 1999 and honestly have develop a deep passion for Dragon types, however my favorite Pokemons of all time are Charizard, Articuno, Rayquaza, and Decidueye. Besides Pokemon my passions (and the easiest way to start up conversations) are music, artwork such has traditional/ digital drawings, 2D and 3D animations/modeling, cosplay, story writing, and pretty much anything about Dungeon and Dragons 5e table top game. Thanks to all who take the time to read this and hope to start up conversations and friendships through the forums!
  3. Hey my friend kind of introduced me to this site/community and I was hoping I could get some feedback on the team he and I made.
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