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The car pulled up to a storage facility in the north end of town, and Rorik saw Kebab talking with three men in the gate office. Rorik noticed the fleet of cars on the street, he knew this was a heavy operation. It was then Rorik saw the person they had to move, a black haired girl who of average features. She looked disjointed, like she wasn't all there. "She's a sabinin addict" "What is she?" "A sabinin addict" said Milos. "The drug fucks with your mind makes you fearless" "So why are we pulling all of this out?" It was at that moment everyone in the car fell silent and gave a look that could only be described as saying learn more. Then Rorik saw the girl come out of one of the lockers with her mother, then the mother and two men stripped her down for inspection. Rorik had two thoughts on where she's heading, slavery or rehab. He mused over it but Once they were done inspecting her they put her into Kebab's vehicle Kebab then approached the vehicle. "Here are her toys." He chucked a pair of claws into the car and some other armaments. Rorik remembered Daves offer at the diner about killing a girl, he took a glance at her and realized this is who he was moving. "I'm moving a drug addict away from them." he thought. It was then Rorik could get a decent guess at what was going on, she owes people money. And when it came time to collect she didn't behave. Rorik peered at the gps and noticed the red blips were paused near the train station at a deli. Once everyone was in their car Kebab reached his arm out from his Jeep Wrangler and waved everyone forward. And then it started to rain hard. Rorik saw a powerline fall down and take power in the North End with it.
Standing over the balcony shirtless freezing Rorik is stirring a mixture of chemicals in a tub. Respirator and goggles over his face he's glad the balcony sits over an alley. "So I've got 3 vials of chloroform gas, and 2 vials of chlorine gas if things go really bad. I need more." He spends hours until the clock reads 8 sitting over his brew. "12 vials of each." Rorik sat down on his bed and started prepping, he didn't feel right about this mission. He started lining the inside of his clothes with padding for makeshift armour. "So if I get stabbed or clubbed I'll get up, but bullets, well bullets are bullets." Rorik is really wishing he possessed a gun at this point, on the other hand security won't notice him getting in with a bone knife. Putting the vials on the strap for his chest. Covering himself with an old canvas coat, he see's Milos pull up in a black suburban. Rorik checks his list and heads out the door. He doesn't share much more than a glance with Milos who gets in the car with him and several other men. The driver was leaning against the door smoking a cigar. "I got gasses if we need them." "Hmm." Rorik started to wonder if he should have said that but then somebody threw him a gas mask. "We got much worse than whatever you tossed together in your kitchen" Rorik noticed a gps on the dash he noticed he was at one of its blue blips, and he noticed several red blips a few blocks away from the station.
"Subtle" he thought. Rorik decided to sober up and prepared his anus for the reaming that he was about to receive. Heading out the door he knew he was being watched for any sign of treachery. "Shouldn't have wasted time with fuckface Dave there." he thought. Rorik found the dilapidated bar in a shitty theme park. "Quaint, no wonder you're able to get a new identity every minute." Walking into the bar, he see's parents relaxing from their kids and a door off in the corner. Heading towards it anticipating the inevitable ass reaming the door opens in front of him. Into a smoke filled room where the stench of whiskey and raki was thick as syrup he sobered himself for his encounter with Kebab. When a large man motioned him over to a corner and halfway there he heard the gravel in the voice come out. "Alright you little cigani bitch, I wanted one fucking thing from you. You're god damn loyalty." "Sir, I don't know how they..." "I wanted you to tell me who's in that fucking neighbourhood, what's in that fucking neighbourhood, and most importantly why I need you in that fucking neighbourhood" Rorik stood silently and stone faced as any thing he says would like be grounds for his murder. "And now this little bitch tit Straight Dave! I want some fucking answers about how he got your profile shitface!" "Sir, I'm afraid I don't know, I went out to the grocery store and..." "Oh I know all about what the fuck you did at the grocery store, you tried to fuck a guy and helped yourself to some booze, what I want to know is why is this prick calling you!" "Sir I have no honest idea, I swear." Rorik said shakingly. "Look here you little bitch, I don't like how you treated me at the cafe, I don't like your fucking posture, so man the fuck up and listen. I have a client who needs shuttling out of town, you got it. Now thing about this client is that she has a group of dedicated bastards on her tail, I need you to get her on the train and see her get off the train in Idaho." "Yes sir." "Now I'm assigning you under Milos, he'll meet you over at your apartment tonight, you'll join his squad and make sure she boards and exits alive and well got it." "Yes sir" "Good now go get fucking ready"
Rorik having few leads and waiting on someone to get in contact with him starts searching for information about KebabRemover online. "Alright Serbian..." Pouring through lists of pages in a language he barely understood. He was able to make little headway into this man's identity. So he started poking into those providing the information he was able to gather. And there is where he started to find something valuable. The Pursers, (subgroup of something much larger) dedicated to tricking people out into the open for thieving identities has helped war criminals, gang bangers and filth get new lives across the world or down the street. And then things came rushing back to Rorik. Rorik owes this man. And this time he can't run away from the debt.
Rorik decides to stay out of it, not being opposed to violence but definitely opposed to being dragged into somebody's squabbles is not in his prerogative. "Sorry Davey but I'm more of a good time guy, not really into being on another radar." Rorik gets up from the table and heads out the restauraunt. "Fuck yes don't have to pay the tab!" he thought. It clicked who the previous man was "KebabRemover, fuck me." Rorik thought those connections were just a joke but no he actually committed to something. He could hear the voice of his mother ringing in his ears "Honey when are you going to bring a girl home?", "Honey when are you going to get me grandchildren?". He was committed to a deal, well he didn't get a choice in it. Besides he felt there might be a conflict of interest between this man and the KR. Rorik was heading home, he was going to collect information on KebabRemover, more than what he has heard from rumour.
Rorik was incredibly confused, he was still sitting at the table and these strangers were nearby him. "Maybe I could get one of these people to have to pay for the bill?" The fact that he had just received two different orders, two conflicting things, someone who knew he was here was being pushed to the back of his mind. For first he had to know what the offer of this man was. "If I have better options going with him I'll take them." For most of whats this man is droning about Rorik has zoned out. Elbows on the table fingers overlapping Rorik has rested his head on the bridge of his nose in a desperate bid to stay awake. "5000 Nuyen?" "This is better than the previous guy but murder?" Rorik knew the cops, he knew their system. Theft and robbery were ignored, big thefts if they got a piece. But murder? Bureaucrats can't brush off murder. Different depts. get involved, depts. that aren't lazy or inept. Rorik was careful not to give explicit confirmation or denial to this Dave, first he wanted to see what the previous man wanted. He also wanted to know why the he knows so much.
"Fuck me" he sighed "Dick diddly better be buying dinner" He steals some jerky from a quikstop nearby and heads over. "This fucker better feed me if he's gonna fuck my day up" Rorik arrives in the diner aggravated tired and despite chewing on a few sticks of jerky on his way over still hungry. Sitting down in a booth he's approached by a man. "Now Rorik I'm going to be straight, for the past two months you've been as useless as tits on a nun, and as far as I'm concerned you're some fucking yokel with no God damn place here so I got a deal for you." Rorik was feeling semi-stressed, on one hand he wishes he wasn't involved with this crap on the other he refuses to go back. That and the obvious blood in blood out rule also made matters more complicated. "So what is it?" Rorik said submissively "You're going to help out with something, something that even you shouldn't be able to fuck up. You're contact should get in contact with you soon. They'll explain more but until then stop tripping on your dick and get yourself cleaned up." And then it happened. He left leaving Rorik all alone at the booth. He left Rorik all alone with his tab.
"Nothing to eat" stomach growling and a little bit high after downing some downers and uppers, he cleans himself up and gets into some less dirty clothes, keeping the same setup of hoodie, shorts, leggings, and sneakers he heads out to go to the church. "Maybe I can steal enough out of the alms plate to get Subway?" he muses.
Rorik has finally made it back to the apartment complex and think's to himself "What the fuck did I go out for last night?", heading back into his apartment he notices the bare cupboards and it all starts coming back to him, that he's still pretty fucking hungry.
Rorik slowly coming too, and hazily recollecting events prior. "Did I try to fuck a guy?" he thinks to himself, noticing the scurrying of people around him. He gets up and notices the bed of broken glass he had, nothing more than papercuts but not the greatest feeling to have beer poured into. Stiffly walking as though he has a rash (he nicked his taint) he picks up a wooden broom to use as a cruch before stealing some painkillers. He starts to walk out of the store.
Rorik appearing not have been seen and drinking more whiskey has now managed himself drunk. He rolls for a hug on the stranger so he can whisper sweet nothings into their ear.
Rorik noticing the commotion and random violence downs a mini-bottle of whiskey and decides to start randomly hitting people. While still sober he decides to sneak his way behind the man shooting bullets. Rorik rolls for sneak.
Rorik wakes up and looks at the mess around him. He starts to steal items from the store and shove them in his hoodie.
Rorik crawled out of bed and picked up his knife(machete), measuring two feet in length he slides it upwards into the sheath on his back and clasps it into place. Throwing on a loose hanging hoodie and shorts he proceeds out into the rain. Rorik cut through an alley into the main thoroughfare he strolls over into the Stuffer Shack which stood out like a dead tooth with white teeth. Proceeding into the restaurant he notices an abnormally large line. "Even now stupid fucking hipster restauraunts have an hour wait" he thought to himself. So he does what he normally did in long waits he fell asleep standing. He felt something was off, but he didn't care, let it come.
[OOC] [Sign Ups open] Lowlife
Bismarck replied to Yours Truly's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
Name: Rorik Alias:An Interesting Guy Age 22 Background: Spent his childhood as an internet troll, intelligent but feels the need to lower himself for acceptance. Spent his entire childhood doing sports he hated for the affection of his parents. Being shut in as a child he has developed to be socially obtuse and rude, making him unlikable by many, despite basing his arguments in reason. He is capable of technical understanding yet he often feels the best response is physical. As eventually all the magic in the world will be useless against rage and the slicing of tendons. So utilizing years of self loathing from doing things he never wanted to do, most problems are simplified. Having the reasoning ability to understand the need to adapt instead of specializing is soon to come into play hard and fast for him. Appearance: Human, average brown hair green eyes. Tall and robust. Archetype: Street Samurai Stats Physique:7 Reaction:2 Modernity: 3 Presence:1 Eccentrism:1 Essence: 6.0 Race: Human Skills: Gunplay:2 Close Quarters Combat:7 Piloting: 3 Decking: 2 Etiquette 1 Equipment: Rating 2 machete. Rating 2 padded vest- 20 replies
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