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Everything posted by AsNKrysis

  1. I have a problem. For some reason, the weather seems to be changing constantly in my game. 1 minute I have sunny weather, the next I have rainy weather. I know I can just change the weather whenever I want, but the weather doesn't stay for long and then the weather just starts to change randomly almost every time I enter a different area. I don't know what's causing this, but might anyone be able to help me?
  2. My personal opinion for each of the starters for each Rival is this: 1. Victoria should have Torchic. If you're still going with the monotype Rivals, it fits her and provides much more of a threat on her team. Seriously, her having a Speed Boost Blaziken would frighten me every single time I'd have to fight her. It'd give her much more difficulty, but doesn't make it impossible to beat her. 2. Fern should get either Snivy or Treeko. Snivy definitely fits more here since Snivy looks stuck up all the damn time and Fern is egotistical as Hell. Treeko could also work because Sceptile always looks kinda smug and Fern is clearly always smug. 3. Cain should have Mudkip. It's honestly the closest thing that suits him. The second best would be Oshawott, but Swampert would better fit him imo.
  3. @Zarc My Online ID is ZeroCrisis if you're awake and ever want to trade.
  4. Sorry, I dunno if you're awake but my ID is ZeroCrisis.
  5. Are there anymore Dittos left for you to trade?
  6. Are there any more free perfect IV Dittos left you'd be willing to trade?
  7. AsNKrysis

    I need help

    Just got the green light from Marcello. The server needed a restart, so things should be working fine now.
  8. AsNKrysis

    Aurora Veil?

    Anyone know where Aurora Veil is?
  9. AsNKrysis

    Ice Stone?

    I just got Alolan Vulpix, anyone know where to find an Ice Stone?
  10. I know you can buy them either at Agate Circus or 7th Street, but NOBODY ever explains where exactly inside of either of the two places am I able to find the person who sells shards. I have talked to literally every single person in each area, and NONE of them sell shards to me. And I've checked every link regarding item locations and shards on the forums, everyone's so vague by just saying "Agate Circus" and/or "7th Street".
  11. AsNKrysis

    Vs Amaria

    Choice Scarf will help with Serperior greatly. It's already speedy enough as it is so I don't expect any of her Pokemon to outspeed it (unless she has Greninja or Floatzel which are the only 2 Pokemon with a faster base speed than Seperior). Plus, Serperior should have high enough special attack to one-shot Lapras by the time it comes out since Contrary Leaf Storm raises it's Special Attack by 2 stages every single time. Unless it comes out right after I take out her 1st Pokemon, then I'd have to probably switch to my Lucario.
  12. AsNKrysis

    Vs Amaria

    I'll probably spam Leaf Storm from a Contrary Serperior with Modest and Choice Scarf. That should do the trick.
  13. AsNKrysis

    Vs Amaria

    I'll defeat her just like I've done with Radomus and Serra. By spamming a single move.
  14. So I know topics like this have been posted many times in the past, but now everyone here has clearly gotten their fill of the game up to the end of E16. With Hardy, Amaria, and (most popular) Titania showing up soon in E17, let's take a look back at all the Hell we've been through. I play on Set by the way so it's hard as balls for me to face these gym leaders. In your personal opinion, who was the toughest and who was the easiest gym leader you faced in Reborn? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Toughest for me: Noel. Little bastard kept destroying my team countlessly. It was raining for the WHOLE MONTH (Thank God this'll be fixed in E17) so I wasn't ever able to light up the field in flames. And of course he gets literally 2 of the 3 normal-type tanks (Wigglytuff and Clefable). It took me over a week to beat this little edgy kid, and here was my strategy. Team: A-Aron (Aggron with Weakness Policy) Mizukage )Greninja with Sea Incense) Kuru (Espurr with Light Clay) Waiban (Noivern with Wide Lens) Shades (Krokorok with Dread Plate) RK9 (Arcanine with Charcoal) Battle: 1st - Wigglytuff vs. A-Aron: Wigglytuff Dazzling Gleams A-Aron twice, A-Aron Iron Heads it to death. 2nd - Porygon Z vs. Kuru: Porygon is sent out, I can't switch out between that due to Set battle style so I have to switch out to Kuru in the middle of battle. Kuru is sent out and gets hit by a Tri Attack. Kuru sets up Light Screen and gets hit by another Tri Attack. Kuru sets up Reflect and gets hit with another Tri Attack. Kuru gets in a Psychic before fainting to the last Tri Attack. 3rd - Porygon Z vs. Shades: I switch into Shades and he starts putting in work. I needed that Light Screen up by Kuru so that Shades wouldn't get destroyed by Tri Attack. Shades Earthquakes Porygon Z to death. 4th - Cinccino vs. Shades: Not much I could do here, Cinccino had Bullet Seed with King's Rock so Shades was dead. I got in one last Earthquake before getting murdered by Bullet Seed. 5th - Cinccino vs. RK9: Since I couldn't light the grass on fire, I had to just hit Cinccino as hard as I could until it died. RK9 sends out a flurry of Fire Fangs and Heat Waves where he was left with half health after taking out Cinccino. 6th - Swellow vs. RK9: There was so little I could do against it due to rain, especially once it got its burn. I got in a slightly weak Fire Fang before RK9 was down for the count by being hit from a Brave Bird and Facade. 7th - Swellow vs. Waiban: I needed to outspeed Swellow, and there was only one Pokemon in my arsenal capable of doing so (Well, 2 but I had to save Mizukage for later). Waiban gets in a Super Fang to put Swellow to half health. Swellow Facades and brings Waiban to half health. I take out Swellow by having Waiban use Hurricane. 8th - Girafarig vs. Waiban: Waiban was at half health, and Girafarig's electric moves would bring it down low every single time. I get a Super Fang in before Waiban is taken out. 9th - Girafarig vs. Mizukage: Mizukage used Dark Pulse. 10th - Clefable vs. Mizukage: I NEEDED to one-shot this thing. It's a damn murderer. But none of my Pokemon were capable of doing so. Not without any boosts. I had to heal A-Aron back to full health in order for A-Aron to live when he gets sent out. Mizukage was still a Dark Type from using Dark Pulse and having Protean, so he gets demolished by Clefable. Last - Clefable vs. A-Aron: The final stretch. EVERY SINGLE ONE of the my other Pokemon are FAINTED. It's down to A-Aron, who I could use Iron Head with but wouldn't be able to one-shot Clefable without an attack boost. That's why I equipped the Weakness Policy and healed A-Aron fully. Clefable clearly outspeeds my A-Aron and uses Hidden Power (which just has to be Ground Type, of course Ame would do this to us). A-Aron is left with 1 HP due to Sturdy and Weakness Policy activates, giving it that major attack boost that I need. Then A-Aron Iron Heads the living crap outta Clefable and OHKOs it, giving me the win. I tried this battle over 40 TIMES before finally getting it. I literally studied which Pokemon he would send out against mine, which moves he would use against mine respectively, and find out everything my Pokemon were capable of doing on the battlefield. At the end, I was left with only 1 Pokemon left at 1 HP. I don't understand how much closer that battle could've gone for me. But by far was it the most tortuous thing I've ever went through in this game. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Easiest for me: Radomus. Yeah, by far it was the easiest. Why? Adamant Natured Krookodile with Moxie spamming Earthquake. Yep, that's literally all I did. I one shot all of his Pokemon. I had to Super Fang his Gallade at first, but then Shades just went to town on his Pokemon. Super easy, especially when Waiban was team battling with him so he'd never get hit. I could've also said Serra because her field and what typing she specializes in made it so insanely easy for me to just have RK9 use Heat Wave over and over and over, but it just wasn't as easy as it was with Radomus. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Anyway, what were you guys' toughest/easiest gym leaders?
  15. With E17 right around the corner, I honestly want to know what everyone here is excited for. Now we don't know much about E17 (unless you were apart of the groups that have already played it), but we do know that we're going into the desert, the list of Pokemon that are now obtainable, Z Moves, and whatever anybody else knows. Maybe you'll find someone with a common interest of what you like, I dunno. But just post down below what you're most pumped about coming in E17.
  16. Greninja Serperior Blaziken Garchomp Metagross Aegislash/Sylveon/Alolan Ninetales (Might be switching between these 3 frequently) Although, I actually just have a bunch of different Pokemon set up in my PC just in case any of them help me face a difficult battle easier or if I just feel like switching up my team and want to travel around with other Pokemon. Some of my other Pokemon include: Kingdra, Absol (cause it's my favorite Pokemon), Arcanine, Meowstic (one of my main original Pokemon, best support Pokemon ever for me), Gardevoir, Lucario, Krookodile, etc. It's always good to have multiple Pokemon on hand, especially with the limited amount you're given. But at the end game, it's all gonna come down to the Player's Skill, not just their Pokemon.
  17. Just some thoughts to ponder to those who weren't apart of the groups that got to test E17 already. Although I'm not sure if we'll even fight Lin and her Hydreigon in E17 (or I dunno if this topic has been made yet), what do you guys think it'll be like? I know Ame doesn't like to make things too easy for us (and by that, I mean she makes everything a literal Hell for us to play through), so obviously she would put in something for that Hydreigon to not be slaughtered by our Fairy Types. I personally think Ame created a field that negated Fairy Moves or negates all Super Effective Attacks on both sides. Or (even better or worse depending on how you look at it (for us players, it'd be worse)) maybe she'd even have a Mega Evolution for Lin's Hydreigon that'd make it OP as Hell and it's Mega Evolved Ability would be that it negates Fairy Attacks or all Super Effective Attacks. That would make sense for her to put in, and insanely difficult for us to take on. Anyway, what's your guys' thoughts about it?
  18. Just trade with yourself for another starter, that's what I did lol. I went through Reborn with Protean Greninja, Speed Boost Blaziken, and Contrary Serperior. I finally have a Choice Scarf for my Serperior too so it's amazing to use for grinding money haha.
  19. Excuse me if I've posted this topic in the wrong place. Generally, I don't post topics on Pokemon Reborn's website (or, well, I don't usually post in forums at all, let alone create topics). Anyhow, I've been meaning to question Water Shuriken. In Generation 6, it was a Physical Attack. But now, in Generation 7, it's a Special Attack. Will Water Shuriken be changed from a Physical to a Special Attack upon Episode 17's release? Thank you for answering my question and have a nice day.
  20. Amethyst: The only Pokemon fangame producer to have literally tackled the crap outta the player... and we all love her for it.
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