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Ven Enfield

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5 Fledgling


About Ven Enfield

  • Birthday 08/23/1998

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    Marble Blue

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    Ven Enfield#0916
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  1. Happy birthday
    Hope u had a good one

    1. Ven Enfield

      Ven Enfield

      OMG starry; I didn't even notice; you know I'm usually on discord nowadays xD

  2. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 😄🍰

    1. Ven Enfield

      Ven Enfield

      I didn't even notice that people greeted me here; my bad; and thanks ~

    2. LykosHand


      Oh i see and you're welcome 😄

  3. To improve a stat of pokemon well there's just some ways IV - these are Initial Value you get this as soon as you get the pokemon the maximum is 31 per stat and that is fixed you can't change this one that Pokemon will have that for the rest of your gameplay EV - these are Effort Values these are trainable you can use vitamins to speed up the process but there's a limit of 100 EV for vitamins so once your pokemon reach 100 EV the only way to improve it is to fight pokemons, each pokemon you battle give a different stat like Noibat give 1 Speed EV you can search online about EV yields of each Pokemon so you can see where you can train or what Pokemon you should fight, the max EV per 1 stat is 255 (correct me if I'm wrong) but I usually keep it 252 since usually 6 EV points = 1 stat points and the max for overall EV you can train is 510 so let's say you train two stats, Atk and Speed so I got 252 for each of em and 6 EV to whatever I think would be good to increase just a bit, it's really up to you how you train your pokemon really. Nature- it improves your stat even more usually with a cost of something that would go down, for example Modest nature gives SP atk + and - Atk stat , if I remember in reborn you can change the nature of your pokemon in 7th Street where he needs Heart Scale for it but I think it's randomised again I'm not sure Here's my Garchomp stats to be an example for you Its nature is Jolly ( +Speed, - Sp Atk)
  4. @MegaRekhytX sure just pm me here or in discord. we can talk about what you want in return from there
  5. I mean you could just breed one sure it's a long while but if you're aiming for overall better stats then you should ~
  6. Sure @Lord Tobirama just pm me here or on my discord which the information is on my signature
  7. Hey guys if you aren't aware I'm clearing my own shop since I can tell there aren't much people around anyways I'm looking for some shiny starters that I've been missing if you guys are interested head over here this also contains my old shop contents so if you wanna trade, head over there 


  8. Dropping Birb ~ They're all 5x31 IV
  9. Hello everyone! man it's been a while since I posted here, anyways as the title says it all I'm looking for some missing Shiny Starters that I've been missing and I'm just too lazy to breed one. Anyways I'm looking for 5x31 Pokemons that is a shiny and have this specific egg moves Bulbasaur Egg Move: Ingrain IV Spread: 31/x/31/31/31/31 Tepig Egg Move: Heavy Slam, Sucker Punch,Magnitude IV Spread: 31/31/31/x/31/31 Chespin Egg Move: Spikes, Belly Drum IV Spread: 31/31/31/x/31/31 In Exchange I can give you these pokemons all this pokemon are Perfect IV Also since I'm clearing up my shop all of my pokemons in the shop are 5x31 just the IV spread is different again I'm clearing my shop so what I have in stock is what you get no change of nature or breed a specific IV and stuff and btw I don't have a shiny of it.: Edit: and oh any random mon is fine, would be nice if you trade any shiny you found ~ anything is fine just don't make the number of bidoof went to extinction numbers ~

  11. Hey guys sorry if I wasn't around for a long time, I may restart my shop again soon not sure when though but soon

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      Be prepared for a hard battle near end of current episode make sure to bring plenty of healing items and revivals just in case on rt 4

    3. Ven Enfield

      Ven Enfield

      My gym team is pretty much well rounded, but I'll take note of that

    4. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      Might be worth doing a Dex complitionist for all non ledgendary/mythical/UB minus type:Null Sillvally and Phione

      The end result gets you



      Every 100 Pokemon gets you a new item as well

  12. Happy Birthday, hope it was a good one

  13. yow i want your froakie want pokemon do you want?

    1. Anime


      Happy birthday~

    2. Ven Enfield

      Ven Enfield

      Really late reply but I have the list of what I want in my store that is currently not active right now, I may have to restart it again as soon as I get back to the game again xD

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