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  1. I wish this one had been used. It looks so cool :D
  2. Apologies again for the silly questions. I should have downloaded the file first.
  3. Thanks so much again. Was I supposed to have picked one of the starters already? Nothing's there. I'm sorry for my cluelessness.
  4. Thanks so much, Lightseeker. Do I just pick them up from the PC or are they in place of two of the starters? Forgive me if the question is silly, I've just never done a custom playthrough before.
  5. Do we have to do a monorun if that isn't what we want? Attached is my game file. I would please like a shiny Onix and shiny Bulbasaur. The Onix I'd like to have pretty good IV/EV (whatever they're called) and a Jolly nature. You can do with the Bulbasaur whatever you want. Game.rxdata
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