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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Youmu9

  1. I don't really care if they reused the models or not and if this means we'll be getting more Pokemon games even faster then i'm fine with it. Swsh is a good Pokemon game, imo. This franchise has never really been about graphics so I don't know why it's such a hot topic now. As long as the Pokemon designs and music are still good, i'll keep buying and loving these games. That's all I need to say.
  2. These final evos look way too humanoid. I'd expect this kind of thing from digimon. It'd be nice if they actually looked like the animals they are based off of. The closest is probably Rollaboom but it's a monkey so that isn't much of an accomplishment.
  3. Look, i'm not saying you're not allowed to be negative or anything but this negativity just puts the people who are still excited for the game in a foul mood. Just asking if you could lay off it or just make another topic about it, that's all. Anyway, I like all the new Pokemon but Duraludon is my personal favorite so far. A great typing and it looks like it will have a decent speed stat with how it's weight is looking. Can't wait for new stuff and I hope we get some starter evolutions soon!
  4. Can you please stop with the negativity? People have already voiced their concerns with TPC's decisions. Let's just drop it now and focus on the new content that has been posted.
  5. Actually, Nancy is her stage name. Her real name is Yancy. It's the same for the male counterpart, Curtis-Christoph. I don't think the Rejuv Nancy and the one from the official games are the same since this one isn't even a real person and just a doll. She was probably created with the real one's likeness in mind though.
  6. I'm pretty sure they are going by Dex# and those never count alternate forms. Galar must be adding a ton of new Pokemon, if that's the case.
  7. I don't understand how any of these things are bad. Legendaries and Megas/Z-moves are horribly unbalanced. Honestly, i'm glad they are gone. That means people will use other Pokemon instead of all 4 Tapus, an Ultra Beast, and the obligatory Mega. Also, I don't see how a temporary 3 turn power boost that any Pokemon can use is even close to how broken a permanent one that belongs to only a select few or a one shot move that can come out of nowhere.
  8. Victoria tells us she would get the badge and machine from Kiki just before this line. I think it's safe to assume she meant the badge would be invalidated regardless of when we get it should the gymleader pass away.
  9. This kinda contradicts that.
  10. I've always had trouble figuring out how old Crawli was. Does he have an official age? Also, isn't he blind? Shouldn't he have a support cane instead of a bug net he'd have trouble using?
  11. Uh, no one in the void actually died. They are just trapped there. We'll probably free them in E19 so look forward to that!
  12. A good example of this is the first Solaris fight. If the PC defeats his Garchomp, nothing substantial changes. The Garchomp is seen running around like nothing happened a few seconds later. It would have been a better pay-off if the Pokemon fainted and caused it's trainer to become a bit flustered. But I guess that would be too big of a change from the original script. As for the other points you made, I agree. It would be nice to have a choice on whether a grunt lives or dies but it seems Reborn isn't that type of game.
  13. Are you seriously trying to justify the actions of these terrorists? Solaris is a horrible person who thinks the only solution to a problem is murdering a bunch of people. I could think of a ton of ways he could have preserved his family's holy ground without the need to rush to senseless violence. But he's a villain so I guess he has to be insane.
  14. Those colors don't mesh too well. I'd suggest making the blue a bit lighter and the pink a bit darker. I made shinies of this line as well.
  15. Well, now you do! It's a very accessible game. It's on the PSN store for pretty cheap. I highly reccommend it.
  16. I'd definitely put Psychonauts at the top of my list. A very underrated PS2 game.
  17. That doesn't seem like a negative. Reborn's already 5x longer than a regular Pokemon game. I don't think it need an incredibly large post-game over that.
  18. You know, you can use strength if you have a pokemon that naturally learns it.
  19. I'm pretty sure it's that tower on the outskirts of Goldenleaf Town but redone. You know, where you do that sidequest with Narcissa? I could be wrong though. It looks a lot different.
  20. Hack and Slash is such a primitive genre. Games like DMC and such are too complex to be lumped in there. I like the new term "Character Action" game. A much better description.
  21. I don't know. The MC doesn't really have a personality since silent protagonist. So, it'd be hard to match a legendary/mythical for them. Wouldn't it be a bit op having one that early too? I wouldn't want a starter if I had one of those Pokemon to choose from. I guess i'd give the MC a bad legend like one of the Regi's or something...
  22. Um, who hates those four? I've never seen any hate on them ever.
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