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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Youmu9

  1. Youmu9

    Let's trade!

    Alright! I'll get online now.
  2. Youmu9

    Let's trade!

    Take your time. The only pokemon I need now are relicanth, lickitung, and elgyem. It's completely fine if they are eggs. I appreciate your response.
  3. Youmu9

    Let's trade!

    Thanks for the Ponyta! Sorry i didn't have anything valuable to trade for it...
  4. Youmu9

    Let's trade!

    Really? Ok! Are you available now?
  5. Hello. I need these pokemon: Ponyta nincada swablu relicanth lickitung elgyem If you have some spare pokemon that are these then i'd appreciate it if u could give them to me. I don't have any valuable pokemon though.
  6. It wouldn't be much of a quest if I had help...thanks for the offer though!
  7. I will Catch them all. Somehow.
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