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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Youmu9

  1. Wartortle is one I wish didn't evolve. It had a nice theme going for it until Blastoise ruined it with it's design choices. I wonder what it would be like if it's final stage kept to it's roots instead of pulling random cannons out of it's shell.
  2. Um, you can't get Scraggy at this point. Anyway, your Marshadow should do well against her Ace. It's probably one of the best fighting types. Also, if you have beaten Fern then go to the building next to the Casino in Onxy ward and one of Fern's lackeys will give you access to an area with some new encounters. If you are having a lot of trouble with the gym, there are some wild Tranquil you can capture. It makes the fight a lot easier. Well, at least until the end of the battle.
  3. As of the latest version, all Pokemon excluding Legendaries, Mythicals, etc., etc., are obtainable through the wild or events like trades or other types of encounters. None of them are limited so they can be repeated as many times as you want. So, i'd say you shouldn't worry at all.
  4. I'd choose Treeko. It's shiny is amazing! Rowlet is a close second though.
  5. Delete the Game.rxdata then rename one of the files above it Game.rxdata. That should be your most recent save after the broken one. It should work fine after that.
  6. Youmu9


    @eric23 It's the mountain with the lava at the entrance and the whole reason you needed magma drift to begin with. Valor Mountain. Since you don't have magma drift because you chose to give the magma stone away, you'll need to find another way in. That way is in Crawli's gym. Now make sure you get to the very end of the gym. If you did everything correctly then Venam should be there waiting in front of a white door.
  7. Youmu9


    If you've been to the mansion then you should have seen Melia fly away and Venam going after her. She goes to Crawli's gym. There is an entrance into the mountain there. That should progress the story further.
  8. Are you sure? The entrance looks like this: https://gyazo.com/d5384b198cb7d989791a176b2a8ff1d4 Crawli should be there if you did everything in the mansion first.
  9. You have to go to the very back of his gym. There will be a sealed door there. Venam will appear and things will progress from there.
  10. If you did all the events in Ametrine, head back to the Circus and go into the back room of the tent.
  11. There isn't any trading option in Rejuv yet. So it's impossible for now.
  12. I liked this trailer too. I'm glad his old devil arms are back and that new dual-wielding motorbike chainsaw is sick. This new playable character looks alright. I hope we can see more from him. I also really want a practice room feature in this one. None of the games really had one. I'll definitely will be buying this on release though.
  13. That area was added in E18. It's for a sidequest that's available after getting the 14th badge. It'll open after talking to that person.
  14. I wouldn't say it gets explained in detail or anything yet. But you can put two and two together later on. So, yes.
  15. The Fairy Tale Field is available before fighting Adrienn. The blind girl gives it to you after answering all her questions again. The field has a chance to appear during that gym battle as well.
  16. Youmu9


    Uh, I don't think you can fish for them anymore. You have to find a diving spot near the island. I found one there.
  17. Youmu9


    You can still find them in Azurine Island. They are just a bit more uncommon.
  18. Here is a very funny one. It's on the outdated v8 and only goes up to the end of the 4th gym. It's still very thorough and detailed. This one is nice too. It's a written run so it won't be as detailed in regards to gameplay or encounters but it's still a very good read if you are interested in the story only. It goes all the way up to the end of Blacksteeple.
  19. I like Charlotte's voice change. It's better than the chain smoker one.
  20. This'll definitely be an exciting episode. Can't wait to get started.
  21. I guess you are just a bit unlucky. None of the encounters/events in Reborn are shinylocked so just keeping trying if you really want that shiny. The shiny rate isn't very high so you'll get it to shine in no time hopefully.
  22. Here are some recolors for Snubbull and Granbull. I didn't like the blue that was given to it. Since this is my first time, I tried to model them after their main game shinies. Granbull's shiny is from GSC. And some more i've been working on.
  23. You should keep resetting for it's evo item. It's the only way to get it as of this version, as far as I know.
  24. Dark/Fighting. It's cool seeing natural enemies working together for a change.
  25. Here's a mon i'd really like to see changed. Type: Grass -> Grass/Fairy Moveset Change: Move Tutors: Earth Power That's all Bellossom really needs. It's always been overshadowed by other grass types but if given the Fairy typing it clearly deserves then it will be a force to be reckoned with. It already has access to Quiver Dance plus Chlorophyll which negates it's speed problem. It has a large amount of recovery moves so it's staying power is guaranteed. And with a coverage move in Earth Power it will be hard to stop it once it gets going. It will still have trouble because of it's mediocre speed and it will still fear poison types even more now. But at least it won't be at the bottom of the barrel like a lot of other grass types are.
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