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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Youmu9

  1. Hello! May I have a Zorua, Lucario, Poliwag, and Scraggy? no perfect ivs or anything. i need them for breeding.
  2. Yeah I was stuck there too. Here's a video link
  3. @Zarc Oh sorry. Ok, i'm ready when you are. My username is Yumu9.
  4. I'd suggest a flying type since your team has a big ground weakness. Any flying type you like will do but i'd suggest Swellow or maybe Mega Pinsir if you want a mega. And if you like Corsola then you should keep it on your team. If used well it could be valuable even if it's on the weaker side.
  5. Oh, alright. Thanks anyway.
  6. Is the shiny eevee female?
  7. I like Reborn better cause the story is convoluted in Rejuv. I don't even understand what is happening half the time.
  8. I just don't like the weird lag. I get hit even though someone isn't even remotely close to me and then they just teleport while showing off a delayed attacking animation. It's very jarring. I know it's not like that all the time but i've had a few matches like that and it's made me not want to play online PVP anymore. I do play online when I need help with PQ's cause some of them are impossible without other players.
  9. I got Yang Xiao Long. I didn't think i'd get her. You're confident, you're bright, and you are very energetic. You don't have a problem with many things or people - until they mess with you, that is. You might be slightly vain and care quite a lot about your appearance - but what girl doesn't when they have to impress as much as you?
  10. Who is Seel? A secret trainer? I've never heard of them before.
  11. Well, Escavalier has something over Scizor and that's Megahorn. Not many things can survive a banded Megahorn from this thing on the switch in. Both of it's defenses aren't bad either so speed isn't that much of an issue for it. But Scizor does have better utility as an attacker with it's priority moves. I just like Escavalier better.
  12. All the starters are good, typing wise and design wise. But I choose Eletux because I used it the first time I played the game and it was useful all the way through.
  13. I'd say Gardevoir cause it's the only Pokemon who is loyal to it's trainer. "It will try to guard its trusted Trainer with its life. To protect its Trainer, it will expend all its psychic power to create a small black hole."-Gardevoir Better than magic spoons, lol.
  14. Hmm, some of your movesets are...uh...interesting. You should be able to evolve Magneton by now but even then i'd advise against using it for this battle. You should also find a move that can dispel Charlotte's Field to one more in your favor since she is incredibly dangerous with it up. Even with type advantage with Golem, she's still relentless so be prepared. Good Luck.
  15. It's cause it evolves too early. Litwick evolves at lvl 41 and then you need a dusk stone to make it evolve further. If you even have one at that point. But it's not like other gyms haven't done this, like Florinia's Cradily.
  16. Well, it's alright to give suggestions and stuff but don't go overboard. They don't have to consider your ideas if they feel they don't want to and shoving them in their faces won't really help. But if you want to then go for it. Maybe one of your suggestions will make it into the game!
  17. I would love a character from the Tales of series. My number 1 pick would be Lloyd Irving from Tales of Symphonia. He'd be a perfect smash character and since PacMan from Namco is in he has a higher chance. Sure, he's another sword character but his techs are unique enough to make him fun to play with if done correctly.
  18. Well, if you have a torchic then Vaporeon would be the best type wise. But if you want the one with the best design I think Leafeon would be a great pick in my opinion.
  19. This is rejuvenation but the answer is the same. Just keep hunting for that Nuzleaf and it'll shine hopefully.
  20. I don't really understand non-binary but I like the designs of the characters. They are some of my favorites and I choose them over the male and female MC's most of the time.
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