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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Westin

  1. ive got problem xD, i cant get out of my cell, so yeah... Game.rxdata
  2. @Soushi ive got the same problem xD anybody here knows what to do in this part?
  3. k then, can you send me a request rn?
  4. @Dr. Exorcist im ready to trade
  5. i guess a treecko? and ill be available to trade in like an hour
  6. does the bidoof need any eggmoves? cause ive got a 5 iv bidoof that doesnt have eggmoves
  7. Pokemon Name: Skrelp Nature: Timid IVs: 5 IV (x in Sp. Def.) EVs (If you want any): Shinyness Yes/No Nah Offering Pokemon: Sandile Nature: Careful IVs: 5 IV (x in Hp) EVs: None Shinyness Yes/No: Nope Moves: Leer, Rage ID: Phylis
  8. Can i get that shiny eevee, i can offer a 5 IV shinx for it. And also can i have the charmander with an adamant nature, i could offer a 5 IV sandile for it if thats okay
  9. Shiny beartic, unown, trubbish, torkoal, purrloin. All of them have pretty bad ivs
  10. im interested in the Golett U - 22/31/31/31/31/31 i could give you a 4iV Ralts 31-31-31-31-19-18 or a 5iV Marill 31/18/31/31/31/31
  11. can i get the shiny zorua? ill give you my 4 iV marill for it, if thats okay with you :3
  12. hi its me again xD, can i get the pidgeot? Im willing to trade my 5iv male shellos if thats okay
  13. whooo, thank you very much
  14. okay thanks :D, when are you available for trading?
  15. can i have the shiny aron even though i dont have any pokemon that has decent iV?
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