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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Korridore

  1. The last one was mostly for flavor, but it was really fun to make. I can't wait to check back tomorrow to see what you think.
  2. Ramrodd Duskshade sounds like a complicated way to say "4/8 Taunt + Divine Shield; Deathrattle: Summon a vanilla 4/8." Also, an 8 mana Paladin Taunt Legendary with Divine Shield that does something when it dies... I think I've heard about that before...
  3. Pokemon Requested: Larvesta, Smeargle, Snivy Online Username: Korridore Gender: Preferred female. Egg Moves (Optional): IVs: I don't need 5-6IV Pokemon, I am a breeder myself, but I would appreciate some late-stage ones (3-4IVs). Nature: Snivy - Timid, Smeargle - Jolly, Larvesta - Modest. Not required, as I said, I am also a fan of cycling through Obsidia for hours so natures are mostly irrelevant since I can get them myself, but it would be convenient if you had these natures on them. Pokerus: Would love Pokerus since I don't have it. Ability: I am not asking you for full IV Pokemon so the nature is mostly irrelevant, I also have quite a few spare Ability Capsules, but if you decide to be generous and you send over 5-6IV mons I would like Larvesta - Flame Body, Snivy - Contrary and Smeargle - Technician since those are the natures I'm aiming for. Otherwise the nature is irrelevant as well. Other: Information on any TM locations. Lack of good TMs really limits my options in terms of team building (it wouldn't be so bad if the breeding mechanics were pre-Gen IV so I could breed TMs onto mons). I think I explored the world quite well, but I might have missed some good stuff and I really don't want that to happen. TMs like TBolt or Ice Beam could change up to half of my team members and it would be a shame if I missed those. Offering: Corphish Gender: Male :/ Egg Moves: Dragon Dance (sorry, no Aqua Jet on this one) IVs: 5IVs, in the relevant stats (all but SpAtk) Other: I'm just gonna send a Heart Scale as the held item for the Corphis regardless, since it's the only valuable thing I can afford to give away (I have a bunch of Heart Scales).
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