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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by sunxdr

  1. sunxdr

    help needed

    where.... i believe u were to go downwards from where there many miltants were available
  2. hey guyz i have a charmender ..since i already have a charizard i dont need charmender...so if u want to trade u can caontact me
  3. sunxdr

    help needed

    thnks bro.... I HAD raeached that castle .....i battled cain ..afterwards gym leader that reportor went telling his pokemon is kiddnapped now..where to find his pokemon
  4. sunxdr

    help needed

    bro ...1 question when i enter south aventurine woods ...suddenly light falls and my player then would now be able to move upwards..
  5. did u have some extra powerful pokemons for trade
  6. thnks ..i know about wonder trade but how can i request trade
  7. sunxdr

    help needed

    i had won my 7th badge ....after which that guy ask me to go tarzan mountain...where i meet that girl and she gave me ruby ring and amethist pendent...now where to go
  8. no thnks....i have a knowledge of this nd you want a sell a waste magikarp instead i can caught myself one and use a link stone fool
  9. i need good pokemon and have few of them for trade... just sry...next time i would take care
  10. Where i Could get poison leader daughter After beryl cremetry.....anYONe pls relpy this now sucks...
  11. i Thought That MOSt of The pLYErs love ThEir Starter POkemons ,SO i felt tHat That Their Obeying Level Should BE Quite HIgh.....and I Also suGGest DEveloper that in NExt UpDate He Should Create an Online Gaming Room WHere PLayer CoulD ActuallY Go Lke A Town
  12. anyone here To DOnaTE A GUD POkemon I HAve WON 1st badge volt bage anD After 10min My Charmeleon IS already OF Lvl 25 SO I need A NEW Good Relable POKemon ...pls Help
  13. THnks My First Poke friend Before MY game...hope that WE will be good poke Frndsss
  14. JUst WANted to MAke Good PokE Friends AND I wanted TO Know ANy Legendery POkemon AvaiLAble RIght now In tHe GAme
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