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About Shikatsu_ch

  • Birthday August 19

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    art, music, games etcetc

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  1. VIRTUAL ELITE 4 BADGE Game version: 12-1 what happened: - I challenged the virtual elite 4 with a shiny empoleon, arcanine, porygon, feraligatr, marshtomp and ninjask. After the first elite four, I saved the game and then challenge the bruno, since empoleon get destroyed by everyone, I switched the empoleon and arcanine out for a shiny slurpuff and a shiny cacturne. - After Ive defeated Bruno, the game automatically replaced my slurpuff and cacturne with empoleon and arcanine, leaving me with a copy of both. my slurpuff and cacturne did not get sent back into the PC. - The game also resets all pokemons to its original state (level, exp, stats, moves) when I first challenge the girl. Note: + I am using the mod that shows types, stat changes and pending eggs. + I extracted another version without the mod and It still replaced my Starly with my arcanine after I beat the dark type elite 4 member.
  2. THE FUCKiN HYYPPEE omfg i can't wait for this patch. route 4 is probably gonna take me days and my personal health to explore but who cares time and health when you have a fictional fun pokemon game :DDD. 4real tho I can't thank the team and Jan for the work they put in this game.
  3. Can shadow pokemons appear as shiny if I soft reset and stuff?
  4. oooh, thank you for letting me know now I can rest peacefully.
  5. so uh idk if this is a bug or not but for some reason my serviper crests is placed in the item bag instead of the enhancements section.
  6. so uh I have found a fix to this problem yes. you just have to do a search for 'gamerx.data'. open it's file location and delete the one named 'Game'. rename a different save file that hasn't encountered the bug yet to 'Game' and not go forward before getting everyone else into the right position. the bug happens when you get the message telling to to wait for Aelita and Ren.
  7. uh OK so APPARENTLY my in-game special/sort button is broken at the pyramid climbing part. And I don't mean my PC's key is broken but for some reason I just can't switch to Ren or Aelita while trying to climb the pyramid. I've tried changing the special/sort key to other keys but it still remains the same.
  8. here's some tile errors I've found 1st, 2nd & 3rd: underneath Saki's pool, goes the way around the area until it reaches the electric gym, as well as the other side, also there's a lemonade placed on the wall of the entire walkway for some reason. 4th: If you walk into the tiles marked yellow, you will be sent to the southern part of west Gearen. 5th: pokeball factory (pokeball conundrum side quest)
  9. it worked for me just fine
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