update: this is no longer a beta!
the e18.3 beta has been released! finally, mac and linux users can play the game without WINE.
get it here!
What's New:
we have a whole new engine! the sole purpose of e18.3 is to take this engine and give it to you.
for the sake of this post (and likely future posts): RMXP is the old engine. this is what you've been running for every episode up to now. it is still included in the windows download as Game.exe.
MKXP is the new engine. this is what you're running if you use the mac and linux versions. it is Game-z.exe in the windows download.
both engines are included in the windows download for the sake of accessibility: MXKP has stricter hardware requirements than RMXP, so in the event that the new engine doesn't work on your computer you aren't locked out of playing the game.
(Known) Minimum Requirements:
Windows/Linux: OpenGL 3.3+
Mac: OSX 10.12+
Changes: RMXP:
+ animations are now pre-loaded when you open the game. this effectively reduces the in-battle animation lag to 0.
- the R/S, FRLG, and D/P fonts have been removed.
plus some other minor changes.
+ exists!
What changes for MKXP:
it is much faster in general. this is its main advantage over RMXP. the difference will probably blow you away.
the screen can be resized manually. you no longer are stuck with three particular screen sizes that can only be changed in options.
it does not require you to install the fonts.
the F1 menu has been removed. in a later update, it will allow you to change the controls; right now it does nothing.
(this will be updated if i find out i missed something)
Known issues for MKXP:
the f1 menu doesn't work
don't be scared off by the fact that this is still in beta- it's mostly in beta because it's still missing some features and is relatively untested, meaning some fatal errors might still be uncaught. if you get an error, there are reporting threads for windows, mac, and linux. bugs with the game itself (things that are not exclusive to MKXP) should still reported on the general bug reporting subforum.
hope you all enjoy the new engine!