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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by andracass

  1. i've posted this in a few other places, so i'm also going to post it here because i can't shut up about zeroranger


    breath of the wild
    hollow knight
    persona 5
    mass effect 3
    Portal 2



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    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. andracass


      i'm also noticing that i played most of these in the last year- p5, fe3h, zer, hollow knight, botw (kinda), celeste, horizon...

      oh by the way i'm kicking off ftl in favor of horizon

    3. Dreamy


      I wonder what my actual top 10 would be; picking favourites is too hard...  


      OneShot/Rakuen and maybe To the Moon / Finding Paradise would be in there though

    4. andracass



      more people need to appreciate oneshot

  2. i feel like it's probably worth mentioning that we're not accepting one person nominating someone for every category
  3. so there isn't technically a problem with double nominating but i will tell santa and he will give you coal.
  4. special channel! it'll hang out at the top near server news.
  5. also nominating azzie immediately for the "Showed Up and Got Modded Because She's Super Great Award" ie rookie of the year and i'll hold off on the rest of mine now and let y'all take care of the noms for a bit.
  6. Hello, everyone, and welcome to the second installment of the Member of the Year Awards! These awards are like the summer awards except these are the Real ones. As of this topic's posting, nominations will be open for all categories! Nominations will stay open until late 12/26, and then voting will be open all day on 12/27! On 12/28 at the party, the winners will be announced, complete with tag banners for each user! (Voting will be on the reborn discord @ https://discord.gg/M9APpra if you haven't joined already!) In order to nominate a user, post in this topic mentioning who you're nominating, and for what category. You can nominate as many people as you want, and for as many categories as you want. This topic will be updated as people are nominated! Member of the Year The big, the classic-- this is for the member who's made the biggest splash with the sharpest shine! Nominees: Starry Knight Specific Bibs Posty Azzie DreamblitzX Azery Amethyst Jan Zumi Kyle Ama / ZEL Ruby Lia Marcello Cass Rookie of the Year For the most upstart and standout member who arrived this year! Nominees: Azzie ShogokiX Hellscythe Pyukumuku / Pikaclone Comeback of the Year For the most beloved member who returned to us this year after a long absence! Nominees: Arkhi Cool Girl Jelly The Carmen Sandiego Award For the face since missing in action that we'd most want to see in the crowd once more! Nominees: Raindrop Valkyrie Jericho Caz Vinny Lost Lore Rosesong (like furreal) The Sugarpop Sunbeam Award For the member this year who's been sweeter than any candy store could hope to be! Nominees: Candy Kyle Ama / ZEL Plok / Njab Azzie IceCreamSandWitch Amethyst StarryKnight Caradius The K-K-K-Kawaii Award For the super-cutest member who's been around this year! Nominees: Hellscythe Specific Bibs (honey-chan-senpai) Azzie Alex Ruby Lia IceCreamSandWitch The Auspicious Auth Award For the most helpful staff member who's been around to help out this year! this is definitely not a thinly veiled performance review. Nominees: DreamBlitzX Azzie Marcello Amethyst Cass IceCreamSandWitch Starry Knight Azery The Smelliest Auth Award For the auth member who, regardless of conduct, most desperately needs to take a shower! Nominees: Azery Ikaru Azzie Godot Cass Zumi Most Helpful Content Creator Award For the member whose mod/videos/walkthroughs have rescued you through the most sticky situations! Nominees: DemiIce Leo Bibs Lostelle StarryKnight DaiLaughing Vinnie Waynolt BIGJRA Memer of the Year For the member who's posted the freshest, most crispy clean memes this year! Nominees: Clutterfunky Specific 90skid Bibs Wendel Zumi Dorkiest Dork Award This description has been removed due to creative disagreements among the writers of this thread. Nominees: Cass Amethyst Marcello Nicki Azery Posty Mu7e The Profile Picture Perfection Award For the member who's had the best avatars around this year! Nominees: Chicken / Bean Bibs Wendel Specific Ikaru Krantz Ruby Amethyst Cass AbyssReaper Jan The Craziest Conspirator Award For the member who just knows, man. Nominees: Commander Cybershell Zumi Azzie Hellscythe Ama / ZEL Krantz Hycrox Artist of the Year For the member with the most dazzling displays of visual vexation this year! Nominees: Zumi Specific Ama / ZEL Ruby Arkhi Khrona Agoodcabinet Writer of the Year For the member with the most compelling characters and dynamic language! Nominees: Candy Commander Azzie Felix DerogatoryTrainer Jan Sutoratosu aka Stratos Archbishop of Banterbury For the member with the best banter on the block! Nominees: J-Awesome Lia Felix Azery and Bibs Jelly Hellscythe Biggest Grumpy of the Year For the >:(est member around this year! Nominees: Godot Jericho Posty Smeargletail Commander Maelstrom The Pointedest Poindexter Award For the biggest NERD this year! Nominees: Marcello Zarc Scrublord Jan Bibs Azery Cass The Hippest Himbo Award For excessive and unfettered flirtation on the community campus! Nominees: Sailboat Wendel Posty Kyle Welsh Alex Felix Tacos Jan The Terra Pierce Award For being s000 randum lol xD penguin Nominees: Bibs Specific Cybershell Krantz Felix Cool Girl Jirxchi Thxughts The Shelly Citra Award For the member who most definitely needs a lot of hugs immediately. Nominees: Alaris Ceratisa Cress Azzie Ruby Everyone Azery The Julia Wilde Award COFFEEEEEEEEEEEE Nominees: Cass Kyle Inuki Viri Most Likely To Be Madame X For the member who has secretly been the primary antagonist of Rejuvenation this whole time. Nominees: Budew Zumi Alex Amethyst Cass Most Likely to Become Auth For the most helpful member who should totally be on the team! this is definitely not a thinly-veiled screening process. Nominees: Amethyst Autumn Zephyr Specific Hellscythe Ama / ZEL Most Likely to Become Champion For the member most likely to take the ranks when another gym leader champion inevitably dies or something! Nominees: FraRPetO Azery Krantz Ruby Skitty Kam Most Likely to Take Over the World For the member most poised to overpower society as we know it! Nominees: LykosHand IceCreamSandWitch Specific Bibs Jan Kyle Amethyst Ice Cass kURO Most Likely to Gain a Gigantamax For the member who's probably about to get banned by Smogon! Nominees: Rising Emperor Ice Posty Specific Khrona FraRPetO Bibs, infused with honey Most Likely to Start a Religious Cult For the member you'd most quickly offer your soul to in a ritual of deepest darkness! Nominees: Sopheria Specific Ame "Amm" thyst LykosHand Bibs Avatar of Grima Cass Most Likely to Get a Regional Variant ...look we don't really know how to put this. Decide among you who is mostly likely to join the ranks of Stunfisk. Nominees: Anti-Hero Bibs Posty Jelly Amethyst Most Likely to not be a Real Person For the member who is just. impossible. Nominees: VulpesDraconis LykosHand Commander FraRPetO Pyukumuku / Pikaclone ShadeStrider Most Likely to Be Three Komalas in a Trench Coat ....suspicious (We would like to note that, yes, this is different from the Real Person award because Komalas are people too ) Nominees: Bazaro Cass ZEL Ice Ame, Jan and Caz in the same coat Kyle Ruby Zumi Most Likely to Die in the Last Episode of Reborn For the member you know would be beyond doomed were they in the game! Nominees: NickCrash Ama / ZEL Amethyst Krantz The Fanbase AbyssReaper Most Likely to Die First in a Killing Game For the member most likely to stumble their way into last place! Nominees: Jericho Amethyst Zumi Ruby Ama / ZEL Ice Shanco Most Likely to Have a Debate With Themselves For the member most likely to be edited over a well-known Gollum scene! Nominees: Shanco ShadeStrider Pyukumuku / Pikaclone Bearadactyl Prime Most Likely To Really Be Ferdinand von Aegir They are Ferdinand von Aegir. Nominees: Godot Marcello Maelstrom Arkhi Tacos Most Likely to Win Third Place Self-explanatory. Nominees: Swampellow Arkhi Felix Jess Hellscythe Azery Member Most Likely to Never Give You Up For the member who would never let you down, nor run around, nor desert you! Nominees: Anti-Loser Lykos Kyle Felix DMBY Heuwer StarryKnight Azzie I-it's Not Like I Wanted to Win or Anything Award This member isn't tsundere or anything, b-baka!! Nominees: Tacos Swampellow Alex Felix Godot Posty Azery Cna't Spel Awrad Fro thh menber taht jsut dosnt kno hwo 2 wrods! Nominees: SG_ Windel Polk / Jabn eflix Award Award Award Award award award award award award award award award award award award award award award Nominees: Pyrolusite J-Awesome Dan / blindguardian Jan Jelly Felix IceCreamSandWitch Inuki Plok / Njab
  7. when i see a number that ends in 7 you know i gotta 12
  8. we just kinda do stuff when we feel like it. (longer version) mapping is probably going to be consistently ahead of the other legendary bars because that's not necessarily something that's limited to one person- kanaya, ame and I have been doing mapping, ame and I do eventing, and just ame does storying. meanwhile, the vast majority of nightclub content has just been done by me, and i basically just kinda grinded that stuff out- even while e19m was still in development. the progress bars are somewhat arbitrary anyway- so much stuff in development has fallen under "misc" that there's no way the bar is an indicator of what's actually been done. it and the bug score realistically are going to end up being the last 5% of what's done regardless of the other bars- the bug score because it's hard to have a % completion of a number that may or may not ever end; the misc bar bc idk what i'm just gonna decide to do tomorrow. maybe we'll get a multiple save file system. maybe i'll fix online*. who knows. there's effectively just a floating list of things that need to be done that gets things checked off of it as time goes on, and the bars get updated as it makes sense to do so- technically the story of every quest has already be started since we fleshed out the basic structure of that months ago, but who wants to see hundreds of bars up on the devblog? no one. so, uh, i feel like this got kind of rambly, but i hope this answers your question suitably well? *this one is a joke. no one touches online for fear of it waking up and devouring the rest of the code before leaving and never functioning again.
  9. seriously. this thread is allowed to go quiet if people aren't talking about development. it doesn't need to be kept alive with off-topic discussion.
  10. okay, this might be getting a little out of hand.
  11. so this is a bold statement. the thing about essentials is that it barely works. when it works, it tends not to work well. captain marc of the cello has really duct taped the system together, i had to add in some functionality so that we could customize forms and abilities, there's just these massive chunks of code in base essentials that literally does nothing... it's like trying to build an amusement park from a swingset. all tms, zmoves, and megastones will be available by the champion. don't you worry about that ice beam.
  12. Gen 1 - Articuno Gen 2 - Espeon Gen 3 - Gardevoir Gen 4 - Glaceon/Weavile Gen 5 - Cinccino/Meloetta Gen 6 - Sylveon/Diancie Gen 7 - Alolatales Gen 8 - Hatenna/Gossifleur
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