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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by andracass

  1. Did you already check this in the metadata? https://prnt.sc/p1zyn8
  2. 9. I think looker is already in there? But other than that, there are no current plans to do so. 10. loooooooooooooooooooooooool no 11. Probably Arceus. In our secret proprietary internal completion percentage metrics, the arceus quest is triple weighted compared to the other quests. 12. My implication is that gamefreak is not right.
  3. alcreamie seems cute! otherwise i just...reeeallly don't care about canon stuff.
  4. 1. i don't know about cliffhangers but the end of blue route in FE3H rubbed me the wrong way 2. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i dunno ones with food and business experience? 3. god these questions are getting super niche and these things require memory i feel like this is less of a question and more of an opportunity to talk about the thing you like but sure, i'll go play it. let me just- *pushes e19 release back a season what the fuck is wrong with people like i don't care if you think it's a thing or not because it frankly doesn't matter renewable technology is getting more economical than fossil fuel tech and yet here we are i just hhhhhhhhhhhhh
  5. see you were so distracted by my answer that i looted your inventory i don't play as samus.
  6. is there an unwritten rule somewhere that requires all gaming laptops to look awful

    1. Dreamy


      All of the marketing/design around any kind of "gaming" piece of equipment is just horrible.

  7. so I have grad school and Ame's splitting her time between starlight and reborn, currently favoring starlight. summer 2020 would be my safest estimate for a release date.
  8. There currently isn't, so I just made one real quick. Hopefully this works? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NcClePfb0B8rmJ4R_hF1C_Jo_ZiIlX6I/view?usp=sharing
  9. this technically isn't a question, so really, the only lawbreaker here is you.
  10. guys

    celeste is super good

  11. 1. probably not it's not really on our to-do list and we have to release e19 eventually... 2. Either Cynthia or Lusamine. They're really the only contenders, tbh. 3. Reshiroute all the way. 4. Ice, Psychic, and Fairy are the top three. 5. It's.... really not as interesting as some people's stories: we just kinda started talking one day and we're still going. 6. fast paced all the way. I've been playing Celeste lately and that game is such a jam. 7. kinda like my answer to #1, probably not. 8. My favorites are pretty spread out between the gens, but it'd be pretty close between gen 2 and gen 5.
  12. ok so this just showed up. enjoy.
  13. 1. there are so cursed pics, though. you expect me to just pick one? 2. rape jokes 3. i haven't! andracass is basically never taken. 4. i prefer cupcakes. she's just super badass and i like her
  14. only 69 jokes? I'm sure that a much greater number of jokes are immature than that. 1. (I'm gonna enlist ame's help with this one later) 2. technically, yes! played it for a good ten minutes and decided that was enough. 3. Yes, but only up to a certain level of spice. 4. Voltorb flip! I'm not a fan of neon/bright colors, so probably not those. 1. I asked my friend Sarah for help with a nickname. She came up with Meech and I thought it was the cutest thing, so cinccino was forever Meech after that. 2. I don't think I follow. I've named pokemon after my girlfriend, but I haven't said that I'm dating one. 3. Oh gosh I have no idea. Maybe C, for Cass? 4. He seems great! I'm proud of the UK for putting a guy in charge who basically immediately decided that neither he nor anyone in Parliament would do their jobs for a good month or so. He's setting a great precedent of good governance that I have no doubt will continue long into whatever future y'all have left.
  15. let's not speculate over things that aren't real. gosh, it's been so long since my first playthrough that it's hard to remember, but i think i had some trouble with charlotte
  16. personally, I'd probably just say whatever it is I'd want to be asked. 24mph
  17. 1. There was a festival thing here that I went to, and it was, well, eh. Before then it was proooobably pride? 2. i've always wanted to hang-glide. probably that. i hear there are mountains nearby too! 3. i am incredibly picky. i very highly doubt that there are any foods i like that would also be considered "odd". 4. idk, talk to people, see different places, stuff like that 5. i'd tell them that i hate surprises and would just do it myself. 6. i really like three houses and it's definitely gotten me in a place before. 7. honestly? i'd just take a different engineering. maybe physics. could also get into chemistry if i really wanted to. i have options. 8. i don't really endure suffering. i take the situation and do what i can with that. 9. I wouldn't be terribly concerned with position, but pretty concerned with conscience. I don't think that I could get myself to do anything that I'd be opposed to without trying to change the system itself.
  18. yeah! in fact, you basically already have it- the games are made in RPG Maker XP, so if you have that, just throw a game.rxproj file into the root folder of the game you wanna use as a base.
  19. sooooo there isn't really a great answer for this unfortunately Reborn and Rejuv are both based off different versions of essentials- reborn is on v15 and i waaaaanna say Rejuv is on 17? and essentials 18 is coming out at some point in the relative future the advantages of working off of reborn/rejuv would be that it'll have native support for things like field effects that don't come with base essentials the disadvantages would be that there's so much stuff in the scripts that you'd pretty much have to make the game the same way that the originals are made (same scripts, same PBS, etc) or else have to do a lot of cleanup in the scripts (in reborn's case, this would include having to use the same set of variables that are called in the scripts- i dunno if it works like that for rejuv) hopefully this helps a bit!
  20. this isn't a question 1. I'm a big fan of opal. she's a great pillow and also just very cute. 2. i've always been interested in improving things and i have an interest in electronics. 3. 5's pretty good 4. nope
  21. hihi~ hmmmmmm i like when amy swoops in and saves your poor little bitch ass from death in blacksteam aaaaaaaand the part where texen's hair catches fire.
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