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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by andracass

  1. we really should've expected this to happen immediately.
  2. the relationship point is there regardless of gender. we ain't here stopping people from dating taka.
  3. i murdered the GRE today and I'm so fucking tired that I couldn't remember what key opened my house and i'm really slap happy and probably going to pass out the moment I post this

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    2. BRS swag

      BRS swag

      Oh. That's nice to hear. I've been pondering myself about it. Which country are you from?

    3. Dreamy


      Apparently GRE is some kind of big test, so grats to cass! I've just come out of a set of exams myself, so I can kinda sympathize.  


      Now sleeeeeeeep

      and prepare for the even more painful testing that is e19

    4. andracass


      don't know what GRE stands for it but it probably deserved it

      it's just a standardized test for getting into grad school.


      > Which country are you from?



      and prepare for the even more painful testing that is e19






  4. andracass


    hi akane is A+ good choice
  5. There is a bug where if you say "huh?" to melia in the past events leading up to vivian it sets your points to -1 instead of simply subtracting 1.
  6. it's a typo in rpg maker. instead of subtracting one point it set the value to -1.
  7. this works the way candy said. since you did not physically get the badge from kiki, it does not count.
  8. postgame was officially announced a week ago. since then we've been doing a lot of testing and a little bit of nightclub work. this thread doesn't need to be continuously active, and development updates might get boring every once in a while.
  9. This was less of a "why isn't everyone hyped!?!?!!" and more of a "this seems like a more appropriate discussion for a different topic".
  10. the server hasn't actually been made yet- it'll be made closer to the party and invite links with be posted both here and on the discord server.
  11. i believe you are looking for battle- trainer2
  12. hi! so, good essay, a+ as for some of your concerns: no need to feel like you're being rude! lurking before talking is pretty normal in general. i definitely did it. as for the new stuff, if you have any forum questions/concerns, feel free to ask myself or another mod. we're pretty happy to help out. and, y'know, welcome to the forums!
  13. ................................................................................................................................balance like we've been trying super hard to keep things balanced but legendaries are just gonna wreck that the animations bar number will decrease as the bar increases and we've been doing testing so expect bugss
  14. andracass


    never heard of them never want to
  15. andracass


    oh there will be some pozzle in e19M. don't you worry. The remaining ultra beasts will be wild in the new areas. tbh it's kinda hard to say... for a normal release there are usually some minor changes to the rest of the game like fight rebalancing and such. for this release...well, it's the last one and we'd want to put out the best stuff we can, so some things might have some alterations. that said, it's really gonna be a while. ame and i are already effectively double team-ing development to speed things up but it's still probably not going to be released this year. so maybe you could play through now and then again when e19 is actually released?
  16. andracass


    how did you get that *cough cough i mean there is nothing unusual here carry on
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