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Everything posted by andracass

  1. Well I'd imagine that all the nightly killroles are dead, so we're probably safe. We all just gotta vote bazaro and end this.
  2. [vote] bazaro goes without saying. also, i didn't get a gun, so there was probably some driving.
  3. Well, people can certainly just promote back into the queen, right?
  4. if amine was modkilled it seems safe to say that the white King is very vulnerable right now.
  5. if you're voting for someone other than bazaro, then you're not invited to any more parties >:[
  6. the current vote count is: Caimie (2): Bean, Nano Bean (1): Kiet and, of course, Bazaro (6): myself, Newt, Nicki, Lykos, Jace, Astra the votes are quite clear.
  7. I guess that's up to you. Game ends when you decide to stop killing people.
  8. No, it's in the rules that no kills for two consecutive day/night cycles constitutes a game end. so if someone didn't shoot people, we could be done by tomorrow.
  9. My thoughts were more along the lines that Nicki really didn't seem to be lying- the only reason I thought she was was because I also thought there was only one doctor role. And alaris flipped jailer.
  10. actually. we should vote for the person who's really behind all of this. vote [bazaro]
  11. ................you know I bet the driver swapped you and I.
  12. And - poetically, perhaps- we already lynched the two killers. Except for nano. Let's just not invite him to a party again.
  13. Honestly, I feel a bit better about the whole thing... But the entire setup just kinda lets loose a bunch of killing roles. Since everyone just assumes there's one of each role, the fact that two people died each night (presuming both vigilantes shoot) would also give everyone (and, frankly, both vigilantes) the idea that one kill is a vigi kill and the other kill is the mafia kill.
  14. If we allow for multiple roles- which, at this point, pretty clearly seems to be the case, we can trace all the deaths. Alistair killed L'Belle Amethyst killed Amber Nano killed Lia, Alaris, and Jelly Amber didn't kill Amethyst since I protected her and Alistair and Amethyst were lynched.
  15. That wouldn't be surprising. A setup like this would need a lot of people shooting guns. Also, Lykos, can I ask what role you are, too? I don't know if you claimed already.
  16. If someone else claims as the driver, that would explain that discrepancy.
  17. Nonono, I don't mean to imply you're doing anything Just "this is what's going on right now" and "do you believe me".
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