Red: 18Blue: 20Yellow: 7 Gold: 20Silver: 22Crystal: 14Ruby: 21Sapphire: 21Emerald: 24Diamond: 20Pearl: 18Platinum: 23Black: 21White: 20Black 2: 23White 2: 17X: 12Y: 14Sun: 20Moon: 20Ultra Sun: 19Ultra Moon: 16
never played crystal but yikes it really took a hit there
Maybe you made it and then erased your own memory of making it so that you could play it as a regular player but then you also erased your memory of the fact that you erased your memory, and how to get your memories back
or, more specifically, the two times you failed to kill someone were the two times i blocked you.
kiiiiinda curious who you were gonna kill, but that's probably fine.
i'm really bummed i didn't get you earlier. i got distracted.