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Everything posted by andracass

  1. @LykosHand Consider me thoroughly unconvinced. @Walpurgis aw thx~
  2. ...never said it was you, just said it could be you. You could be any role, but your past comments indicate that you're one of a certain category of role. You could be a town role within that category, but this comment is reeeeeeally making me think otherwise. It probably won't matter today, but maybe will a different day.
  3. @Eviora It counts as a visit, but I'd be wondering if it's blockable- picking the lovers is a single-use power, anyway. It's certainly a fair point, though.
  4. That's true, but now that I've said that I have a role that's blockable, if one other person knows that they also have a blockable town role then we'd still have the same situation. I'm assuming Nicki is mondo, but I'm finding it to be a pretty safe assumption. Nicki being Mondo would also explain why so many people are getting mafia vibes off of her- Mondo's a pretty powerful town role, after all.
  5. @Eviora So, kind of similar to what you did with Sayaka in trying to get others to lie about their role, I was the other roleblock-ee (and probably had one of the roleblockers rolling their eyes at me). So far, three people (Jace, Lykos, and Nick) have all stated whether or not they were roleblocked, but merely by answering the question they've revealed that they have a role that is blockable. There are a total of 8 such roles: Kyoko, Mondo, Sakura, Aoi, Toko, Junko, Mono, and Celestia. Aoi is Alistair; Mondo is Nicki; I'm one of the others. That leaves five roles for the other three people- but only two of the remaining roles are Town. One of the three people who weren't roleblocked are definitely mafia. @Walpurgis Honestly, the mondo roleclaim makes perfect sense to me.
  6. Interesting. So, at minimum, one of the following people are mafia: Lykos, Jace, Nick
  7. @Venus Didn't you say that this was a weird way for her to play earlier?
  8. @purplecicada I can believe a lot of things; it seems a bit early to succumb to what seems like fate. Plus, if you're lying about your role, someone will call you out on it. @Mazino Divergent She said she's a townie, and I believe this to be a verifiable statement. @Eviora Nice strategy.
  9. If Nicki is mafia, I'd say she's probably Monokuma. If not, then she's probably Hifumi, since Hifumi's power only activates upon death. I also think Candy's mafia- specifically, Mukuro. I'm suspecting Jace, too, but not as a specific character quite yet. Jace being mafia would also indicate that Alistair roleblocked him.
  10. @purplecicada Any chance you have a roleclaim before you get violently murdered?
  11. Vote [Candy] Edit: I'll change this if something else makes me more confident.
  12. @Mr. Knightly I'm curious who the other person is. Only two players can be roleblocked, and one of the roleblockers is Monokuma, so if someone else was roleblocked I'd be less inclined to consider them mafia. I feel this is a better strategy to pursue rather than aimlessly throwing suspicions around.
  13. I'm fairly unconvinced by the attacks on Nicki. There is something I'm curious about, though- who was roleblocked last night?
  14. While there's technically only one Sayaka, there's two other characters who "see themselves as Sayaka". So they could all be correct in some sense. edit: didn't see we were already talking about this
  15. Fair, but the mafia is still currently the greatest threat. I'd sort of hope the vigilante shows some discretion and doesn't kill townies.
  16. I'm in favor of Evi's point. @NickCrash Sure, the vigilante would technically have no reason not to kill him, but the vigilante wouldn't have a reason to kill him either. There's really no advantage for anyone to kill the jester- with the exception of the jester. In some ways it's almost detrimental for the town to kill him since it gives the mafia more time to kill off the town, and it'd mean the mafia would have a larger share of the vote- which is pretty much what Evi said. I'd be a little more suspect of the people who were more than happy to get rid of him right away.
  17. In my experience, the person best able to find and tell the truth is also the first person to die.
  18. when i first saw this post, I was like "y'know, I don't think there're any pokemon that I'd really say I hated" i just spent 20 minutes battling a shedinja. augh.
  19. cain is you from the future
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