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17 Fledgling

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  1. No, they have their own creative vision. Do you think they'd magically accept your demand just because you say ''Please say yes!'' - How old are you? If you want the game to be different, make your own game. The worst thing you can do to the dev team is ask them to change stuff to fit your own vision instead of theirs. Also dev time is a thing. Hope you won't be asking the same question 2 pages later (yet again). If you really want your fanfiction, just write one and sorry if I am rude, but you keep coming up with the same absurd requests time and time again.
  2. Man they should hire you to do last season recaps for longer running anime with breaks in between seasons. Your summary pretty much nailed the last few pages.
  3. Oh yeah for sure. I am sorry if my comment felt like it was directed at you. There is a line between reasonable requests and unreasonable ones. I've seen both, and I was mainly talking about the latter. I may not be a big poster in general, but I've seen my fair share of stuff throughout the 5 years of playing the game and lurking around.
  4. I personally think that being upset/sad about the dev team not wanting to put relationships in the game is over the top attitude. It almost sounds like you cannot enjoy a game without it having some kind of romantic relationship between your MC and your character of choice. Let's not forget that we are here to kick team Xen's ass, do some tough pokemon battles, use pokemon we never expected to use before, etc. Not for a dating sim (which is done real good by persona 5 imo). Also @Rejuvenation chill out dude. You can type a comment without spamming the caps lock button, or typing the same letter more than 2 times in a row. Regarding your ''lag'' problem, no one can help you with it, as the following are unknown: - your pc specs/age of hardware - your pc's state in terms of viruses - what types of games are you trying to play I'd suggest either buying a better pc, or at least taking it at your local pc support store, or worst case, ask some friend who is knowledgable with computers. There are hundreds of possible problems that can cause a framerate drop, from little things that can be fixed at home, to things that cannot be repaired and require new hardware purchases.
  5. Well even AAA devs fail to offer proper and meaningful choice in their stories most of the time, I find it rather unreasonable to expect this from a tiny team of people working together on a fangame that is just available to get for free. I am just grateful that rejuvenation still gets updates. I started playing this game 5 years ago expecting it to not even update again past V7, and here we are at V13 soon.
  6. Think Jan already has plenty of ideas themselves to even consider altering the future road map for a request such as this. I don't even see why would just turning into evil all of a sudden would be cool for any reason?
  7. In order to make the wait for V13 less painful I've started playing Reborn, never had before. Would defo advise ppl who haven't tried it to do the same in the meantime!
  8. My one and only save file is with an Infernape and I loved that mon tbh. I am really trying to think whether to go same starter, Blaziken, Cinderace or Greninja! It's tough to make that decision!
  9. Yeah you can actually! You can download V13 to test it when it becomes available to the general public, after people who understand what ''internal testing'' means are done with actually testing it xD
  10. Wait V13 will for real make it so that the game doesn't have that built in lag for character movement and moves? Wow! If so, this is actually insane! I will most likely do a completely new playthrough, my one and only playthrough started many years ago when V7 or something was the current one, and admittedly, I've forgotten a lot of the story, so it will be a blast to go through the entire game when it's lag free and has gen 7-8 pokemon and remember the entire story and characters!
  11. Thank you so much. I had really lost hope, as I tried doing all the things suggested around the forums. Thank you!
  12. The same fullscreen bug, I'd appreciate help if possible. Game.rxdata
  13. Welp, had 83 hours on my save file, got the screen enlargement bug. For some reason, the last time I saved in V11, it overwrote my 83 hour save to a 75 hours one for some reason. This is the only save file of its kind with 12 badges, while all my other save files are 10 badges or lower. I cannot roll back to V10 and medium screen to replay the thing, cause I'd have to replay 2-3 versions worth of content that I cannot even remember properly where or how to do. It's been a good run. Rip. Best of luck in the future to Jan and the Co.
  14. Thank you very much for informing me regarding the usual trend. I appreciate it
  15. Hello everyone! So nice to see Beta-chan at 65%. I would like to ask, will V11 be released the moment Beta-Chan reaches 100%? I usually go away for long periods after I finish a version, and coincidentally enough, I always come back after a new version has been released, with this time being the exception, no rushing or anything, I just want to know what to expect. Amazing work to Jan and the Co. as always!
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