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  1. Sup I'm looking for some battles. Message me and we can arrange a time. Username: Panther-T Timezone: EST Availability: Most evenings (past 7:00 PM). Rules: I'd prefer to play by smogon rules and would like to play UU. However I don't care too much so if these restrictions are not possible that's fine.
  2. Let's battle if you're down

    1. Filthy Casual

      Filthy Casual

      I'll PM you in a bit. About to battle someone else.

    2. Panther


      Alright, PM me when you are done.

  3. Yea I can work with that Azumarill. I hatched a modest one. Here's a screenshot. Respond here when you are coming on and we'll trade.
  4. Yo, I can give you the Froakie for the Azumarill. I can either get a Timid one (will take around 20 min from now) or give you a naive one that has gunk shot. Your choice.

  5. I can give you a Naive (+speed, - spdef) one with gunk shot if you'd prefer as well.
  6. I can get you one. Will take me an hour or two to breed, though. I would like to have the Azumarill in return.
  7. Yea, I'm down. Write on my wall or message me!
  8. Hey, I just remade this thread into something else because you can only have 1 trade thread open at once. Unless the mods can close this thread, I'll just use it for future trading.
  9. It's one of those mons that is really not self-sufficient and especially not so when it is not EV trained or given a good movepool.
  10. Here are the best location: HP Azurine Island: you can easily farm Amoonguss, Foonguss, Gastrodon, Shellos, and Seismitoad. Especially fast if you interact with the pokeballs (Amoonguss). ATTACK Route 1: Farm the Bouffalant, gives you 2 attack EVs. DEFENSE In the cavern under the grand stairway, farm wild Geodude, Sandshrew, and Gravelor. All have a high encounter rate and yield 1-2 EVs. SPECIAL ATTACK Abandoned power plant: Bring honey and kill Magnemites that spawn. Not the fastest, but the most consistent special attack training. SPECIAL DEFENSE Azurine Lake: wild tentacool have a very high encounter rate here; gives 1 sp.def EV each. SPEED Underground railnet: kill the woobats on the black spots. Move between locations to respawn the woobats.
  11. Hey mate, thanks for the response. I can trade you a Piplup if that is alright with you. As for the razor claw, feel free to attach it to anything you feel like.
  12. Online username: Panther-T
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