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Gentleman Jaggi

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About Gentleman Jaggi

  • Birthday 10/06/1994

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    Games - Pokémon, Zelda, Monster Hunter, Fire Emblem, Etrian Odyssey

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    Gentleman Jaggi#1876

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  1. Ah, must've been running a much older version than I thought. My bad.
  2. Hi Fervis, could you maybe change the mod's save location so that one doesn't have to move around the save files when switching between AllGen and vanilla Reborn?
  3. Just to make sure, you've found her castle and aren't just looking for her at the scrapyard, yes?
  4. Wurmple's evolution is based on a hidden stat, so that same Wurmple will always evolve into Silcoon no matter how often you try. Try your luck with a new one
  5. Honestly, I'd fully understand if you couldn't be arsed to contine this thing with how irritating the game can be, and I haven't even seen all that more recent stuff that's apparently even worse. I fell off the game back after V11 or 12 I think, the one where you get yeeted off to the desert because plot and since then your nuzlocke has been the only thing that's prevented Rejuv from being banished to the dark recesses of my memory. Why do you torment me such I do hope you'll continue with some sort of project since you're a funny guy, good luck for whatever your next endeavors will be!
  6. Whoah, did Jan tell you when the final version will release? Does baby Volcanion count? Two mainstays of the team down to a weird-ass gimmick battle, rough.
  7. I'd be surprised if we're more than one year apart. How do you feel about approaching 30? It'll be a year away in two weeks. I don't relish the thought. You're about a week or two younger than me then. Best not think about it too much. See that's what I didn't know. It sounds pretty good if you use it right. Niche because the opponent would do anything to kill a Mega Alakazam on the field? Pretty much. High priority target, in Doubles, and Oricorio's not doing much unless it starts dancing. Can't mess with the originals too much or people will cry "Ruined". A lot of the Gen V mons pretty much were improved versions of Gen I mons. Not Unfezant though. Definitely not Unfezant. Even if you had a home your mom's dead, remember? Rifts are actually very simple. They just work however the fuck the plot needs them to work at the moment, duh.
  8. I'd be surprised if we're more than one year apart. How do you feel about approaching 30? I'm gonna go with "everything, all at once". No such thing as too much apocalypse, we're going 2012 here. Are you suruprised about that tho? (There's a correct answer.) Hey, where did your hair go? Trying to stack Sneaky Pebbles is a pretty bad goof, gotta be honest. ... you think they eat Meowth and Growlithe in Poke-China? Nevermind, I don't want to think about that. I don't think unfertilized Pokemon eggs exist, so probably no omelettes at least. Dancing is a free action Dancer does not use up a Pokémon's turn. Quiver Dance is the best move to copy, there was a bit of niche strategy in Doubles for a while with Mega Alakazam using Roleplay to copy Dancer then setting up Quiver Dance with Volcarona. Hey, don't talk bad about Pidgeot! It's not his fault he's a Gen I Early Bird!
  9. Sounds like your AntiVirus thought it's a dangerous file. If you downloaded the game from anywhere that's not linked here on this website make sure to get rid of the files and download it from here. If your download was fine then open up your Antivirus, by default blocked files are usually put into quarantine from where they can be restored. You'll have to mark the file as harmless so it won't just get caught again the next time.
  10. Iirc the anime calls him something like "Abhorrent Elf Swordsman" in most languages with is just hilariously mean. Gotta love obscure canon Pokemon stories and poorly timed gym battles, name a more iconic duo. mood
  11. Oh heck, you're alive. Welcome back! And right back into the mess that is Rejuv's time travel shenanigans. YGO, huh. And OG series monsters too. Your age is showing. I always wondered, why is that dude called "Celtic Guardian" when he's clearly an elf, anyway? He always kind of reminded me of a western fantasy comic version of Link. Mhh, either my memory is rubbish (which it usually isn't) or a lot about those segments changed between versions. I don't remember Edgevoir showing up there at all. Zoroark can! For some reason noone ever remembers that. Afaik it happens in Legends Arceus too. WakeMeUpInside.mp4 Mystery Dungeon belongs to Spike Chunsoft fortunately so whatever's going on with Game Freak would be irrelevant to the quality of any further remake. Still want a new game though. Also GF better not touch BW, they do not need a remake. Stop. Noone who dresses like that isn't. Well she's finally back now. Surely now the plot will move towards that supposed goal with no further derails, right?
  12. Could you change the save file location to be different from that of vanilla Reborn? Right now if you want to play vanilla Reborn you first have to move any save files from this modded version somewhere else otherwise the game will produce an error message on startup and crash. I have a lot of different save files that I tend to bounce ebtween so it would be nice not having deal with moving files back and forth.
  13. Hi, two questions about this mod: the google doc lists the locations for some of the regional forms as "same as regular", does this include events like the Opal Bridge Zigzagoon, where one out of a selection of Pokemon will spawn? Assumind it does, will the various monotype passwords works with these as expected? Does this mod include any of the stat and mechanical that happened in gen 8/9? Stuff like the nerf to Aegislash's stats, nerfs to certain Abilities and some Pokemon gaining a second Egg Group.
  14. Huh, I don't remember that whole "inside Melia's dying mind" segment at all. Did that get added with the last release or did I just supress that memory for some reason...? What version are you on again? "best quest in Mystery Dungeon" Damn right; that ending scene with In The Morning Sun playing always gets me. You heard about the copyright leak that points towards a PMD announcement in the Pokemon Presents tomorrow? Looking forward that. Also damn you for reminding me about how great Explorers is in the middle of whatever the fuck is going on with Rejuv. *angry noises* *angry intensifies* Lampshading it does not make it okay damn it! she says, standing in front of the definitely not Dialga-related Time Tiamond. This is just the PMD references chapter, huh? We're almost through with the "Fixing Aelita" Arc*. Remember how this whole thing was supposed to be about Aelita? Aelita not included Homework: I've actually pretty much never done any homework back in school. You must be some sort of genius teacher, Mr Derogatory.
  15. Time Travel Shenanigans are hard to write at the best of times. Suffice to say Jan did not do a very good job at it. Very much looking forward to this arc finally ending, we're almost there!
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