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13 Fledgling

About ~Nezuko~

  • Birthday 12/03/2001

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    In some weird anime show that you wouldn't understand
  • Interests
    I will always love Eevee. I am obsessed with that adorable Pokemon. I will worship that Pokemon until the day I die. I breath in the Eevee, smell the Eevee, eat the Eevee, sleep with the Eevee, talk to the Eevee. That Pokemon is my everything and no one can change that.

    .... I also like anime and games :3

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    What is Skype again?
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  1. i'm soooo excited! i ended up restarting my savefile just for this update since it's been so long since i've last played that i practically forgot about the main plot, and had my shiny contrary snivy ready for the new update. good thing that's the farthest i went otherwise, i probably would have to wait until i get up to that point to keep my savefile intact. and the passwords! i really like that it's added here, i really liked them from reborn. also, is that a new sprite of Aevia? super curious about that. been using her sprite since i first started in 2018, she's definitely my favorite so i can't wait to see her new design here if that's her
  2. I have a question. So I just recently gotten back on desolation after a long time and was looking at the new artwork of the protags. Absolutely love them. But I noticed that they have different designs under the Episode 6 tag. Without telling me any spoilers, does this mean that the protags will change appearance later on in the story? Or is it just some really cute artwork and won't appear at all in the game? Just want to know as I really like Sienna's design with the cute spacebuns. I got to the point where I can change sprites in Celia city and was thinking about changing my sprite to her because of that new design, but just want to make sure before I change it.
  3. So I bought all stolen pokemon, gotten lucky egg from him and went to look for him after I beaten Titania. He's supposed to appear in the Grand Hall, but I checked, he's not there. I looked everywhere in the grand hall but no sign of him. Am I missing something?
  4. Hi, sorry for the late reply! I'll PM you right now.
  5. Hi, as the title says, I'm looking for an azurill. Normal or shiny, I really don't mind. Willing to trade a shiny igglybuff if you want to trade a shiny! I don't mind the nature, ivs or ability. Preferably female but I'll also accept a male!
  6. I relate to this! I was a freshman when I first started playing Pokemon reborn and now I'm 20 with a job and saving up to get my own place to stay. So happy to see this game grow and reaching towards the end! It's been a fun ride, honestly. This game and Pokemon Uranium were the reasons why i started playing pokemon fangames. the devs worked so hard and honestly deserve a break after this. i hope we'll all enjoy the final and last episode of Pokemon Reborn together.
  7. super excited for the release! i already want to immediately start shiny hunting the legendaries but i'm just going to restart the game and go all the way to the beginning to recollect everything that i forgotten about the story.
  8. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

    1. ~Nezuko~


      Ah! I knew I felt like I was forgetting something on my birthday! Once again I forgot to thank you! But thanks for the message! Next time I'll remember ❤️

    2. LykosHand


      Haha i see! Don't worry about it, it's ok 😄

      Okay and you're welcome 🤗

  9. Anyone knows the location for Super Rod? Need to get a poliwag for Adrienn's quest with Goldenwood forest.
  10. I remember the speed up button used to be Alt but ever since I updated the game to v13 and press ALT, it doesn't speed up the game. And I checked the Read Me file where it explained the controls and the button for speed up isn't there. Has it been removed or something?
  11. Did any of you found the whereabouts of Grookey and Scorbunny? I already found Sobble. I'm also looking for Applin or Dreepy's location.
  12. I don't know if anyone else is having the same problem, but occasionally, when a battle starts, the screen stays black while music continues to play in the background. I've noticed this happening when I was soft resetting sobble or when I start raid den battles. Is there any way of fixing this issue? Are there anyone else having this sort of problem?
  13. I'm looking for it to evolve the gifted feebas, but I don't know where to find it. Do anyone know where you can find it?
  14. everytime the game asks me if i would like to do a challenge run, this pops up and it closes my game. i moved the extracted items into my game folder, so i don't know what else i did wrong
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