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Everything posted by ~Nezuko~

  1. So I tried to add another mod component (the Typebattle icon) and it doesn't work. Did I do something wrong? I only have the Weather mod and the Speedbreed mod (although this isn't in the mods folder), so I don't think any other thing is the reason why it isn't working. I even waited a few minutes (even hours) just in case it was the same problem as when I tried to make the weather mod to work, but to no avail. Here's the screenshot: Is there anything else I should've added in order for the battle icon mod to work?
  2. So just now, I hatched 4 shiny Alolan Vulpix in a row. And I want you guys to choose which one of these I should add to my team. I'm not much of a competetive battler but I need a strong ice type on my team. I don't know much about IV's, so I want you guys to choose which one has the best IV's and if the nature they have is good or not. Here are the screenshots: (Fabby has a Serious Nature) (Fabi has a Hasty Nature) (Snowball has a Quiet Nature) (Snowbell has a Lax Nature) Thanks!
  3. I also have the same problem even though I copy and replaced the map106.rxdata into the data folder...
  4. ~Nezuko~


    Thanks. I honestly don't know why I thought the Daycare was in the Coral Ward. Stupid me >.<
  5. ~Nezuko~


    So after I gotten Ciel's badge and Fly, I wanted to finally go back and find the Daycare in the Coral Ward. But when I went there, it's no where to be found. I mean, there is this building that's locked, but other than that, the daycare isn't there. I don't really want to look all over Reborn, because I just want to find the Daycare to shiny breed without running into anything that can trigger cutscenes. So has the daycare been moved or is it that locked building that I was just talking about? Or am I just being blind and it's plainly in front of me this whole entire time?
  6. No this happened after I battled Terra, the 12th badge.
  7. Wait, I just gotten the Fenniken and I don't have 14 badges yet. I currently have 12 badges and I was able to get it
  8. ~Nezuko~


    So I heard you can get Fenniken later on in the game, but can anyone tell me exactly where you can find it? And what other requirements I need in order to get it?
  9. yes, just change the time on your computer
  10. Oh, sweet! Alright, I'll definitely shiny hunt this thing to get shiny Dusk Lycanroc. Thanks!
  11. Is there any way to get Dusk Lycanroc, or a Rockruff with Own Tempo?
  12. Oh okay. Thanks for the condescending reply, I guess. Edit: oh, and this still doesn't work. Like, at all.
  13. Sorry if I seem sorta dumb asking this, but what do you mean by that? Do you mean I should move the game to my desktop or something? I'm not really good when it comes to stuff like this, so it'll be a little bit easier if someone would show me screenshots (or a video) of what they done so it'll be easier for me to understand and follow without any confusion.
  14. Honestly, I really don't know what I'm doing wrong. I followed the intructions and everything, and the mod components does not work at all. The data folder looks just like the screenshots that you posted, yet there is no changes whatsoever. I had no problem with doing this on Pokemon Reborn, so I'm really confused as to why this isn't working on Pokemon Rejuvenation...
  15. Okay so, I was finally able to get Pokemon Rejuvenation v11.2 to work and I just added this mod into the data folder, but it still doesn't work. Here are screenshots of what I did: Did I do something wrong for the mod to not work?
  16. But I saved in Sheridan, one of the places that wasn't listed in the places not to load the savefile in. Edit: never mind. After a few problems, I managed to download Pokemon Rejuvenation v11.2 and can now play Patch 2 without any problems.
  17. Can someone help with the current problem I have? I tried to move patch 2 graphics and data into Pokemon Rejuvenation Version 11 just like what Bossman123 told me to and now I can't even start the game up anymore. It'll say some sort of error and just closes the game completely. I didn't want to download Pokemon Rejuvenation v11.2 because it takes hours to download for some reason (I guess its because I'm using a hotspot instead) and I thought just moving the Patch 2 stuff to the main game would be easier.
  18. Yes, you might be right about the interrupted part. I was using a hotspot while downloading this and sometimes the hotspot would slow down, which also cause the download process to pause every now and again. I guess I'll have to download v11.2 once I get connected to actual WiFi.
  19. Yes, I've been told that the Eevee is automatically a shiny once you beat the kimono girls and given it to you.
  20. Honestly, thank you so much for this. Isn't this the first Rejuvenation walkthrough? Either way, I really appreciate this. Because I've been looking everywhere for a written guide and people only been sending links to Location guides and other stuff, even though I prefer walkthrough. Thanks!
  21. So I downloaded Pokemon Rejuvenation v11.2 (that has Patch 2 in it) and when I opened it up in WinRAR it showed me this: And I can't open the game up at all. It doesn't any other folders inside this one except for Audio. kinda annoyed by this because it took a lot of hours just to download this Can anyone help me with this? I'm trying to use the Modular Mod for this and I believe the only way for the mods to work is if I have Patch 2 of Pokemon Rejuvenation.
  22. Um, I did that and now I can't open my game up at all.
  23. This is my first time doing the patching thing, but what do I do with Patch 2? Do I just have to load it up like a normal game, or do I have to move Patch 2 into the V11 folder or something?
  24. Okay, so I just realized that Patch 2 of Pokemon Rejuvenation just came out around yesterday, so maybe the mods will work with Patch 2 (because the name of this thread has the word Patch 2 in it) instead? I'll edit this comment to let you know if my hypothesis was correct later on.
  25. I did everything I was instructed to do and the mods doesn't work. I don't see the Debug button on my party screen or any other mods that I have added is not working. I copied and replaced the scripts in the data folder and moved the mods (after removing two compotents that I did not want in the game) folder in the data folder also, just like I was instructed to do. But nothing happened. Did I do something wrong? Also, did you remove the weather mod? It's nowhere to be seen.
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