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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Petrol

  1. so yeah, just wanted to showcase my ground mono team. I'm currently waiting around for episode 19 to drop. Hippowdon ability: sandstream moveset: - stealth rock - earthquake - sandstorm - thunderfang EV's: 252 HP, 60 def, 198 sp. def. Item: smooth rock Hippowdon is there mostly to get the prolonged sandstorm in right of the bat. and the required stealth rock off course. for all the rest he's mainly cannon fodder and resetting sand storms. Excadrill ability: sand rush moveset: - sword dance - smart strike - earthquake - drill run EV's 292 HP, 252 atk, 66 spd. Item: metal coat Excadrill is one of the hard hitters in the team. STAB bonus on it's moveset and metal coat for that extra dmg on smart strike. trained it in HP because sand rush gives it insane speed (438 on sand rush) and it needs the bulk for getting a sword dance in. Garchop (duuh) ability: sand veil moveset: - crunch - outrage - fire fange - sword dance EV's 252 HP, 252 atk, 6 atk. Item: charcoal Garchomp is another obvious hard hitter in the team. it has charcoal to solely to boost fire fang and I'm waiting for life orb or muscle band to be introduced into the game. opted for hp rather than speed because his base speed is pretty good with 31 iv's in speed and a jolly (hell yeah) nature. same as for excadrill I got ev's in hp to get sword dance in easier. Gliscor Ability: Poison heal moveset: - roost - facade - poison jab - sword dance EV's 252 HP, 252, sp. def, 6 def. Item: toxic orb Gliscor is one of my personal favorites, so I couldn't not include it. it's excellent abilities as a lingering made me dabble with toxic a bit. but the whole team relies more on hitting quick and hard with fast setups. not wanting to rely on gliscor out-speeding anything I wanted to get all his ev's into defences. Swampert Ability: Torrent moveset: - hammer arm - earthquake - waterfall - rock slide EV's 252 HP, 168 atk, 70 sp. def, 20 def. Item: choice band well, obviously had to start the game with mudkip, and as it went on I was amazed at how bulky this guys became. So I gave it magma's choice band and some coverage moves to hit hard. it's type coverage and the given EV's make it very tough to kill. Mamoswine Ability: Thick fat - Icicle crash - ice chard - earthquake - knock off EV's 252 atk, 252 spd. Item: choice band I often use mamoswine to switch when facing heavy ice hitters (blizzard has been a real pain in my butt). mamoswine also makes an excellent revenge killer with this movepool. I also have some benched mon for reasons.. - krookodile - camerupt - golurk - flygon - whishcash - claydoll - steelix (steelixite) - stunfisk - rhyperior so yeah, what you guys think of the dessert rats?
  2. I always do speed quite specifically: go to the entrance of the underground rail way net and then like below picture: start down, go to the first woobat hole. go up to the rock and back over the next woobat hole. After that go back outside, go down and back inside. and repeat. I use my bike with fast gameplay. you can't overshoot your targets this way, so only problem here was getting carpal tunnel syndrome from spamming the z button. I'm mostly done in 30 minutes or so.
  3. Petrol

    razor claw

    hehe I wasn't can you give me a heads up when you are online?
  4. Petrol

    razor claw

    with destrakon didn't work (some error occurred). anyone else that could help me out?
  5. Petrol

    razor claw

    something is still going wrong I think. I'm not getting a request
  6. Petrol

    razor claw

    weird. ok, my ID is petrol
  7. Petrol

    razor claw

    ok, sent you new request
  8. Petrol

    razor claw

    request send, I got an error. just a sec
  9. Petrol

    razor claw

    yes please. I'm on. what's your ID?
  10. Petrol

    razor claw

    Hi guys, So I asked for razor claw before and I was dumb enough to use the only one I had on a sneasel without icicle crash. But now that i bred 1 with the move, I realise I lost the razor claw in evolving my first sneasel. Can anyone help me out again getting a razor claw?
  11. Petrol


    thank you very much!
  12. Petrol


    my user is: petrol
  13. Petrol


    I just got home. just say when you're ready
  14. Petrol


    Hehe our time zones are a bit mixed. I went to sleep. Does around the same time as your initial reply today suit you?
  15. Petrol


    thanks. Are you one? in game name is Starry?
  16. Petrol


    so, breeding seems pretty hard for me, because my Ditto has louzy stats. Does anyone have a Ditto to spare with some like 5 or something IV's?
  17. wait never mind, i just now found it out. there wasn't supposed to be a train at all. I was completely wrong. you need to go through the rock smashable walls all the way south..
  18. there are two wagons there. but they are not connected to a locomotive. only locomotive i can find is the one we left near the forest after escaping the orphanage
  19. Hi guys, So, I'm at the point where I have to get into devon corp. Supposedly in the underground rail net there should be another train to crash throught the gate to the east (?). Im looking everywhere for a train, but I cannot find it. If I follow the steps taken in a youtube play through I still can't find the train. it just doesn't seem to be there. Am I missing something here?
  20. once again, thanks fo the help
  21. it just keeps me waiting, when I try to connect to you
  22. I'm ready , Snorlax right? while we are add it. do you maybe have a razor claw to spare?
  23. Hi Again Zero, I'm available, for the next 12 hours or so
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