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Maqqy last won the day on February 12 2020

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853 Noble

About Maqqy

  • Birthday May 10

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  1. Happy birthday Maqqy!! I really hope you'll have a wonderful day, you really deserve it 🤗🎂

  2. I just came back to say that Ace is wack. In a good way though.


    Also, it’s been a minute :)

    1. SilverAngelus


      A true wild card~

  3. Happy birthday Maqqy! I hope you'll have a great week with nice people around you! Stay true to yourself and enjoy this moment 🙂☺️🎉🎂

    1. Maqqy


      Thank you Q that’s so sweet of you ❤️ You as well! 

  4. Happy birthday 

    1. Maqqy


      Thank you Wolfy ☺️

  5. Hey Maqqy 👋 Happy Birthday!

    I hope you're doing well and I also hope you get to enjoy something yummy~ 🎂😋🥳🎉

    1. Maqqy


      Thank you Solll 💙 I am doing well and will enjoy something yummy 😋 Hope you do as well.

  6. Happy Birthday hope you have a wonderful day

    1. Maqqy


      Thank you Starry 💜

  7. Heyy happy birthday Maqqy!! I really hope you'll have a wonderful day 🤗🎂

    1. Maqqy


      Thank you Lykos 😁

    2. LykosHand


      You're welcome Maqqy!!!

  8. Well, it has been a while.


    1. Vinnie


      She's new and improved 

  10. Xenoblade Chronicles is so good I’m actually speechless. I’ve been so immersed this past few days to the point that I don’t let go of my switch till I faint.

    I just bought the sequel today lol welp there’s no going back.

    1. Autumn Zephyr

      Autumn Zephyr

      And thus, another happy soul has been claimed by the Xeno Abyss... Welcome~!

    2. Maqqy




      I’m at the point where Riki (aka the best thing that the ever happened) just got recruited and been having a blast so far.

      Up until this point, I still can’t accept that F***** was killed I am just... I was screaming nooo on my switch like a madman. Like seriously, it was out of nowhere!!! Why they be like that getting me heartbroken. There was so much potential I’m still in disbelief.


      I have so many things so say lol why must games like these play with my feelings.

    3. Des Teto

      Des Teto

      I was wondering when you would eventually play it. Because this is the kind of reaction I was expecting from you. Enjoy your chain attacks! 

  11. Bro I’m sleep on crown tundra but that music video... I didn’t ask for all these feels man. Music was also 🔥🔥🔥 like damn.

    1. SilverAngelus


      The Clown Tundra's coming a month earlier expected, so that's good news 🙂 

      But that music video...

      👌 👌 👌

    2. Maqqy


      “Clown Tundra” is sending me 😭

    3. lilyawaka


      this was me during that MV




  12. I might have just endangered myself by playing Fall Guys.. it might be too late for me.

    1. SilverAngelus


      What the fluff is this....?

    2. Maqqy


      It’s something you should absolutely stay away from 😩

    3. SilverAngelus
  13. That's the grappling hook! It was the last available item in the last version. Honestly by far my favorite mechanic in the game. No tea, no shade and no pink lemonade, but Pokemon could've done this years ago yet they choose not to. I'm just happy that Temtem is actually implementing these great ideas instead of always storing it in the basement. Yes GF, I'm talking to you honey.
  14. At long last! Temtem will finally be updated tomorrow! Kisiwa will open it's doors and the hype is real! Full information of new features and what's to come: https://crema.gg/temtem/kisiwa-is-releasing-tomorrow-along-with-the-chat-club-management-and-more/ New trailer: I'm honestly so excited. Never stopped playing since release and I feel a lot of potential on this game. Other than that, it's just generally so much fun to play. Did ya'll see that climbing gear? They aren't fooling around here
  15. God of Highschool did not disappoint at all 👏

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