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RLDR Duncan

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Everything posted by RLDR Duncan

  1. I'll take me own sproit n' the ground cahd. Look owt world! Ol Duncan's gonna be the very best loik no one evah was!
  2. 1. I loik myself if im bein deadset, oh n' I wanna help that bloke Nick ta be mohr soshul. 2. I doen't much caer fohr thet dingis Edgah, n' ta be truthful somethin doen't sit roit with me bowt Venus eitha. 3. I dun told ya I can't go spoylin' things mate. 4. By the numbahs, roit noew it'd be thet sheila Helen, but she'll come arownd. 5. Thet less Mira, she's so frendly it jus makes me heart melt. 6. Edgah, next questien 7. I'd personully haf ta say Haley. That sheila's as cold as the beksoid of a Poluh behr. 8. Leuhnighdis, 'ave yew seen the mussels on that bloke? He's built like a brick shit hoews. N' he's olways good fohr a laff. 9. A slab 10. A skol 11. Hold the coffee 12. Yew bet I do mate, I've played it meself loik ten toims. 13. I'm bein genuin 'ere, they're ol bloody amazin. 14. Edgah. 15. Thet's an easy one mate, Duncan. 16. Havin' spent some toim in tha desert, i'd groewn fairly familiah with the cactii, so I prefurd Cacturne, but that drongo Gally ain't so bad. 17. Guess I olreddy answered thet one. 18. I LUV EVRYONE MATE. Well 'sides Edgah and Venus. Keep thows nastys away from ol Duncan. 19. Seperior, doen't get me wrong, I can appreciate the woildlyfe, bat thet one ends me dreams real quick. 20. Great questshein mate, I rekkin' it'd be foyah seein as I wurk owt in the heat ol day. 21. I loik ol colors honesly, well... cept mahjentah, I get rowdy as a bull when thet comes owt. 22. Thehr bowth olrite 23. Now.. I knoew whut yore gonna say, yew exspect me ta say "Kangaroos" cus I'm from Australia..... n' yew'd be ABSALUTELY ROIT!! 24. Ol Cocky 'ere. 25. When I discovuhed theyd help me dig moar. 26. Summah when tha sun is shoinin and the brow's swettin. 27. Janyewry 28. I loik me some Eastuh and some Bunnies. 29. Sunshoin. 30. WHENS YORE BUHRTHDAY? 31. Does Cocky cownt? 32. C'mon mate, I'm an aussie, I loik the Barbie. 33. 3... and a haff 34. Tolluh than yew I rekkin. 35. 28 36. I was boarn awn the owtskurts of the city uv Perth. 37. 12 38. 'Sides what I'om doin noew. I olways wanted ta be a detective, both archeoligy and detective wurk come doewn ta findin the truth. 39. I'd planned on travlin ta Greece at some point doewn the loin. 40. I break tha fohrth woll. 41. I dreamed I was ridin in a momma roo's powch. Thet was the best dream evuh. 42. I'd probubly eat a lot of bahbie-que 43. Steve Irwin, thet man doid way too soon. 44. I'd prefur to live. 45. bloody hell 46. Hercyalees. Ol thows crazy monstuhs he foits are ripper. 47. I loik listenin to the harmonica a lot. 48. People thet lie n' conseal the truth. 49. I've nevuh really thawt abowt it ta tell yew the truth. 50. Toims New Roeman? 51? Nevuh hurd of it.
  3. Soory luv, but invadin personul spayces is moy thing, I mean, I evn said so.
  5. Why ahr yew takin me fohr some sorta drongo noew jus cus I'm diffrent? That ain't very noice uv yah. Less you di'int read, whot I'd said. I thawt abowt bein a detective when I was a yung'un, but I haed ta folloew me otha dreams.
  6. So. I was thinkin'. Yew ol shud get ta knoew tha leaduhs yew'll be avin yer blues wit. Here yew can ask the leaduhs or staff any questions yew loik. BUT no spoiluhs!
  7. Ey, Lissen 'ere shelia, I jus up n' thawt I'd help tha pohr gurl. She's been wuhrkhin so hard with ol these reveals, inclewdin yew I moit add. I thawt "This sheila needs a break". Noew, tell me. Is that so wrawng?
  8. G'DAY EVRYONE, MOI NAME'S DUNCAN N' THIS'ERE IS MOI KREWKUHDOIL. I 'ave lotsa hobbies inclewdin diggin', archeoligy, invadin' personul spayces, and breakin tha fouhth woll. Noew on ta tha mohr seerius stuff. I used ta be a shy lad, but after I left me oldies' flat, I cayme out uv me shell, n' now these blokes I call me cobbers can't get rid of me. Woil my primary focus is in archeoligy, I olso enjoyed detective wurk as yung'un as well. OH n' befohr yew go n' insult moi choice in "vernacular" and "vocabulary" thehr's an app foer that. http://www.koalanet.com.au/australian-slang.html N' noew for stoory toim.
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