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Candy last won the day on July 27 2024

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1898 Sage

About Candy

  • Birthday October 26

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    Sweet Dreams Pokehotel
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    Pokemon (obviously), anime (AoT, BNHA, LWA, PMMM, JJK, HxH, Your Lie in April, Anohana, Cardcaptor Sakura, Ghibli, others), Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, Sleeping

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  1. ok. I have played Reborn on different playthroughs, ones longer than others. I've pretty much amassed ~1000hrs or playtime by now. how. is. it. possible. that every single time (twice so far) I see a vendor selling Blue Moon Ice Cream, it's when I don't have enough money to buy it??? like how can the odds be so severely against me???? like 90% of the time I'm rotting on top of piles of in-game cash that would prolly make Ariana Grande jealous, and this happens?????

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    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Candy


      I swear, before I was like fine. I have BMIC anyway so like I don't need it. But now? It's my half-year resolution to get it from a vendor 👊

    3. Wolfox


      That's my luck, give it ba-... Actually, keep it. 

    4. lilyawaka


      I found one once but I didn't know there was literally any significance to it so I pmuch instantly fed it to a pokemon and never found another since. RIP

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