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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Candy

  1. Just to let you know though - Reborn has these Ability Capsules you can use to change Pokemon natures, and if you try a number of times with the psychologist on 7th street, you could get a specific nature without breeding for it
  2. For the first time ever I'm using a Ninjask (baton pass, swords dance, double team, attract) - I don't like bug pokemon that much, but this super-speedy cicada with speed-boost ability on top has helped me both in NPC battles and competitive. I have a shedinja too, which I want to train - I see nice potential.
  3. To make things easiest, you should request a male 6IV pokemon in the amorphous group (I think most ghost types are amorphous). Also keep in mind others might have different ways of breeding, but this is how I get my 6IV mons. If you just want to breed mons without thinking of egg moves, you can breed xIV female with 6IV male until you get a 5IV female (preferably x in the stat you definitely want 31 on). Use a destiny knot and power items accordingly to get the 5IV mon faster. Then you give the destiny knot to the 5IV female, and a power item to the male (power item of the stat she has x on), and breed until the 1/32 chance favors you
  4. Gonna try contract 6, just give me a lil time (good incentive for me to also not be lazy and get these pokes for my pokedex lol) And I think scarmory isn't available in-game yet (for contract 5) Edit: got the 5 mons Lemme know when you're online
  5. @chuckles Dunno if you already found a way to discuss things with your girlfriend, but I supposed I could still give some input from my end. As one who is probably in a similar situation as your girlfriend, I think I can offer a little advice. From how you paint her on your first post, she seems to be a little shy, and indecisive. She also seems to prefer to avoid problems that come her way, while you look like the type to want to fight them fair and square. I think she's feeling awkward around you because of how you made yourself look during the relationship (obsessive, demanding too much attention) and because of her confrontation with you. When you try to have a private talk with her, she is expecting another awkward encounter where you'll be apologizing and demanding explanations for her behavior towards you. In such case, my best advice would be telling her up front that you want to re-do the relationship. Start all over. The key here is that you must not ask her what is up with her. She has made clear that she likes to keep things to herself, and if you want to make her comfortable around you, you have to let her do that. Tell her that you were acting desperate, because you had a mental picture about what a relationship ought to be, but that when she told you her true feelings (ie that she can't breathe from you being too attentive) you realized that you were acting unnatural just to conform to that mental image. If she wants to talk, she will, but don't make it seem like she owes you an explanation. Important: ask her if she is alright continuing the relationship. Don't accept an "I don't know" or "I guess" for an answer. She has to make a definitive answer, or I'd unfortunately have to say that the prospects are hopeless. This is because you, as the boyfriend, will never know if she loves you and is with you because she likes being with you, or for some other motive, unless she tells you exactly yes or no. One more thing, you also have to think about your own feelings. Trying to solve your relationship problem seems to have been stressful for you, and I don't know if the stress of trying to act in the right way so as to not get on your girlfriend's nerves might persist. You have to be honest to yourself - love can't live on if it's fed poison all the time. The wise man is one who predicts the vitality of a relationship, and drops it if it will bear little fruit.
  6. Doesn't your dream uni offer dorms? (From a person who's going into senior year, and will have lived all 4 years in on-campus housing)
  7. I can give you ralts and spheal with 5IV, and a deino egg with guaranteed 5IV (but Idk how good/bad the x stat will be)
  8. Added pichu, and found out I had some random HP mons so organized them into a new category
  9. Sure, I'd like the shiny magby Just fyi, the zorua is male I'd like the Eevee PM me when you can go online - I'll be available for a few hours
  10. Flabebe, sylveon, pichu, buneary, mew, nebby, steenee
  11. I needed something to procrastinate with, so I made my version of A-vulpix line shinies. Not my line, but anyway might as well show them in case they might help
  12. Decided to start a fairy mono-run (though I haven't even finished my normal run haha) Could I get my starter please? Thank you Game.rxdata
  13. Now that you've said it, I can't view my recolored Yungoose the same way again. Dammit they look like Trump T_T
  14. @Another Retired Shipper From your list, I preferred the darker orange one, but I feel that the white on top is what's being a pain I'm not a spriter (heck, this project is the first time I have done this) but what do you think of these colors? (the orange is the same as yours)
  15. Was bored and did something for Komala, including a little funky one
  16. @Jan What about (from left to right) 1, 2, 3 and 4 below? For 3 and 4, I would recolor the flowers to reverse the order of the colors (in the quick re-color, I only changed the front-most flower to pink).
  17. @YourWeebFriend I can give you a rotom egg - PM me when you can go online
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