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Everything posted by Candy

  1. To add: shiny ponyta, because shiny rapidash is super cool I tried, but decided to wait for a shiny charm... If you decide to, and need 5IV female ponyta, let me know bc I got plenty haha
  2. I can offer a male 5IV feebas 31/3/31/31/31/31 (serious) or 31/31/5/31/31/31 (hardy) with egg moves mist, haze and dragon pulse for one of the six 31/x/31/31/31/31 males you have
  3. Can I ask how to use the mods? Do I just leave them in the Reborn folder, or do I have to do something with the Game.ini file? I'm on mac, and am not super tech savy for these things :/
  4. I just finished breeding feebas, so I didn't get to the old man to do the trade (at least I did get the burmy evolved :P) I'm planning to breed it for 5IV, not for shininess because I don't like reborn's shiny flygon haha But that'll all be after I beat Serra. Idk why I'm having so much trouble in that gym, when I have a fire starter + ampharos with a rock type move + lopunny with jump kick, but o well. It's time to go there...
  5. Sure, I've listed all that I have on this post. Do you have any you're interested in?
  6. Candy

    Destiny Knot

    You can get it on the 4th floor (I believe) of Obsydia dept store If you give it to a parent (doesn't have to be the better parent), the offspring gets 5 stats passed from parents instead of normal 3. But you can't control which parents' 5 stats are passed on. If you breed 4IV with 5IV, you might get 3IV (if unlucky, but happens often) - 6IV (if you're super lucky).
  7. Ok, I'll try that thanks! It'd be awesome, but I just want it to get the trapinch so its value would be lost on me T_T
  8. Shiny spritomb would be awesome But I think shiny mawile looks pretty cool too Edit: but that's just me because that's exactly what I'm trying to breed haha
  9. I have 4IV female or 5IV male fennekins (my first breeding project), which I dont know if interests you. Do you happen to have a non-shiny female feebas? Can be 4 or 5IV, as you see matches my offer
  10. Wow, is this done by breeding? (sorry Idk what "SR" is) If you get a shiny flabebe, do name it Candy, if you don't mind. I don't mind if it's a male or female
  11. I just wanted to say thank you for making this thread. I'm dumb with these puzzles so I would've taken years to figure them out by myself!
  12. Yeah, at first I was like TMNS? What you mean? And then he fought with 4 squirtles haha
  13. I see, that's why Thanks!
  14. I got 3IV torchic, roselia and ralts, probably from IV breeding. I got a 5IV delphox, which couldn't have been more timely, since I was breeding fennekins for IV. I've also gotten other normal stuff
  15. I have 5IV fennekins (male) The best ones are: 31/31/20/31/31/31, and 31/31/31/31/31/21. However, I also have ones with meh HP as well. Edit: I also am breeding some 5IV mawiles.
  16. Hello, So last night I was hatching a lot of eggs, and getting money by fighting this casanova on the upper right corner of Grand Hall. However, at some time he disappeared (guessing it became monday), and since then he's been missing. There were two more trainers in that spot, but none of them are there today. Is it supposed to be that these trainers don't show up on mondays? TIA
  17. Just saying, but I think you can rename them in Peridot Ward even when they're traded pokemon. I got my flabebe, and nicknamed it myself
  18. Omg it worked! Thanks, I don't know why I didn't think of that earlier...
  19. So I'm at the point where Heather is taken to the orphanage, and she receives a few jolts of electricity. Then I followed Cain and Shelly to rescue Heather, but the orphanage door is closed, and both characters are there just standing and not knowing what to do next. I went back to Opal ward to ask this guy with glasses what to do next, and he told me the next gym is across the Beryl Bridge. However, the abandoned powerplant is still locked, and I have no key. Anyone know what to do? I'm playing episode 16. Thanks!
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