So, I went to the only building with an elevator in Jasper, but there are scattered tools that don't allow me to press the buttons
I guess I'll have to skip that sticker...
I'm a crazy Flabebe fan, so I would love to trade with both of you!
@Zetsumei can I trade a random mon with you?
@luis I can trade my Swirlix for your shiny flabebe
My user is Candy, let me know when you're online and ready to trade!
I'll leave the thread open in case anyone else has a violet flower one.
But if no one else wants to trade, I'll trade with you Wednesday night
Is that good with you?
Actually, I heard that there were red, blue, yellow, violet and black, but I don't really know
I'm happy to trade your black flower flabebe for my swirlix.
What IVs does yours have?
Updates (New 09/02/17)
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